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Viser: Curves and Surfaces 2018 - Lecture Notes for Geometry 1

Curves and Surfaces 2018 - Lecture Notes for Geometry 1

Curves and Surfaces 2018

Lecture Notes for Geometry 1
Henrik Schlichtkrull
Sprog: Engelsk
Department of Mathematical Sciences
129,00 kr.
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  • 135 sider
  • Udgiver: Department of Mathematical Sciences (April 2018)
  • ISBN: 9788770789042
The topic of these notes is differential geometry. Differential geometry is the study of geometric objects using techniques of differential calculus, in particular differentiation of functions.

The objects that will be investigated are curves and surfaces in two- and three-dimensional space, and the main aim is to describe their shape.

This will be implemented by considering a parametrization of the curve or surface. Various notions of curvature are defined through differentiation of the parametrization. The curvature is then related to second derivatives.

1 Parametrized curves and surfaces
1.1 Curves
1.2 Surfaces
1.3 Graphs
1.4 Level sets
1.5 The implicit function theorem, two variables
1.6 The implicit function theorem, more variables
1.7 The implicit function theorem, more equations
1.8 Exercises

2 Tangents
2.1 Regular curves and tangent lines
2.2 The tangent line of a level set
2.3 The tangent plane of a regular surface
2.4 Curves on a surface
2.5 Reparametrization of curves
2.6 Reparametrization of surfaces
2.7 Invariance under reparametrization
2.8 The unit normal, orientation
2.9 Regular curves as graphs
2.10 The inverse function theorem
2.11 Regular surfaces as graphs
2.12 Exercises

3 The first fundamental form
3.1 Arc length
3.2 Lines as shortest curves
3.3 Unit speed parametrization
3.4 The first fundamental form
3.5 Introduction to areas and plane integrals
3.6 Null sets
3.7 Double integrals
3.8 Transformation of integrals
3.9 Surface area
3.10 Exercises

4 Curvature
4.1 Curvature of plane curves
4.2 Curvature of unit speed curves
4.3 The tangent angle
4.4 Curvature of space curves
4.5 Torsion
4.6 The osculating plane and the binormal vector
4.7 The Frenet formulas
4.8 Curvature of curves on a surface
4.9 Interpretation of normal curvature
4.10 Geodesics
4.11 Exercises

5 The second fundamental form
5.1 The shape operator
5.2 The second fundamental form
5.3 Coordinate expressions for the second fundamental form 80
5.4 A formula for the shape operator
5.5 Diagonalization of the second fundamental form
5.6 The graph of a quadratic form
5.7 The type of a surface at a point
5.8 Exercises

6 Teorema egregium
6.1 The Gaussian curvature
6.2 Intrinsic geometry
6.3 Christoffel symbols
6.4 The remarkable theorem of Gauss
6.5 Isometries
6.6 Exercises

7 Geodesics
7.1 The geodesic equations
7.2 Existence of geodesics
7.3 Geodesic coordinates
7.4 The first fundamental form of a geodesic coordinate system 113
7.5 Interpretation of the Gauss theorem
7.6 Exercises

A Euclidean spaces
B Differentiable functions of several variables
C Normal vectors and cross products
D Diagonalization of symmetric matrices
E Hyperbolic functions

Notational index
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