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Viser: The Russian FSB - A Concise History of the Federal Security Service

The Russian FSB - A Concise History of the Federal Security Service

The Russian FSB

A Concise History of the Federal Security Service
Kevin P. Riehle
Sprog: Engelsk
Georgetown University Press
377,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 216 sider
  • Udgiver: Georgetown University Press (Marts 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781647124090
An introduction to Putin?s formidable intelligence and security organization

Since its founding in 1995, the FSB, Russia?s Federal Security Service, has regained the majority of the domestic security functions of the Soviet-era KGB. Under Vladimir Putin, who served as FSB director just before becoming president, the agency has grown to be one of the most powerful and favored organizations in Russia. The FSB not only conducts internal security but also has primacy in intelligence operations in former Soviet states. Their activities include anti-dissident operations at home and abroad, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, criminal investigations of crimes against the state, and guarding Russia?s borders.

In The Russian FSB, Kevin P. Riehle provides a brief history of the FSB?s origins, placed within the context of Russian history, the government?s power structure, and Russia?s wider culture. He describes how the FSB?s mindset and priorities show continuities from the tsarist regimes and the Soviet era. The book?s chapters analyze origins, organizational structure, missions, leaders, international partners, and cultural representations such as the FSB in film and television.

Based on both English and Russian sources, this book is a well-researched introduction to understanding the FSB and its central role in Putin?s Russia.

Concise Histories of Intelligence Series
Christopher Moran, Mark Phythian, and Mark Stout, Series Editors
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