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Viser: The Russian Way of Deterrence - Strategic Culture, Coercion, and War

The Russian Way of Deterrence, 1. udgave
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The Russian Way of Deterrence Vital Source e-bog

Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky
Stanford University Press
297,00 kr.
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The Russian Way of Deterrence - Strategic Culture, Coercion, and War

The Russian Way of Deterrence

Strategic Culture, Coercion, and War
Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky
Sprog: Engelsk
Stanford University Press
343,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Stanford University Press (Oktober 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781503637832
From a globally renowned expert on Russian military strategy and national security, The Russian Way of Deterrence investigates Russia's approach to coercion (both deterrence and compellence), comparing and contrasting it with the Western conceptualization of this strategy. Strategic deterrence, or what Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky calls deterrence à la Russe, is one of the main tools of Russian statecraft. Adamsky deftly describes the genealogy of the Russian approach to coercion and highlights the cultural, ideational, and historical factors that have shaped it in the nuclear, conventional, and informational domains. Drawing on extensive research on Russian strategic culture, Adamsky highlights several empirical and theoretical peculiarities of the Russian coercion strategy, including how this strategy relates to the war in Ukraine. Exploring the evolution of strategic deterrence, along with its sources and prospective avenues of development, Adamsky provides a comprehensive intellectual history that makes it possible to understand the deep mechanics of this Russian stratagem, the current and prospective patterns of the Kremlin's coercive conduct, and the implications for policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 226 sider
  • Udgiver: Stanford University Press (Oktober 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781503637825

Selected among Foreign Affairs's "Best of Books 2024"

From a globally renowned expert on Russian military strategy and national security, The Russian Way of Deterrence investigates Russia's approach to coercion (both deterrence and compellence), comparing and contrasting it with the Western conceptualization of this strategy. Strategic deterrence, or what Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky calls deterrence à la Russe, is one of the main tools of Russian statecraft. Adamsky deftly describes the genealogy of the Russian approach to coercion and highlights the cultural, ideational, and historical factors that have shaped it in the nuclear, conventional, and informational domains. Drawing on extensive research on Russian strategic culture, Adamsky highlights several empirical and theoretical peculiarities of the Russian coercion strategy, including how this strategy relates to the war in Ukraine. Exploring the evolution of strategic deterrence, along with its sources and prospective avenues of development, Adamsky provides a comprehensive intellectual history that makes it possible to understand the deep mechanics of this Russian stratagem, the current and prospective patterns of the Kremlin's coercive conduct, and the implications for policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic.

Acknowledgments Introduction
1. Strategic Culture and Deterrence Scholarship
2. Genealogy of Deterrence à la Russe
3. Cultural Sources of Deterrence à la Russe
4. Critical Examination and Culmination Point
5. War in Ukraine and Avenues of Future Research Conclusion Notes Bibliography Index
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