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Viser: Civilian Control of the Military - The Changing Security Environment

Civilian Control of the Military - The Changing Security Environment

Civilian Control of the Military

The Changing Security Environment
Michael C. Desch
Sprog: Engelsk
Johns Hopkins University Press
357,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 200 sider
  • Udgiver: Johns Hopkins University Press (Marts 2001)
  • ISBN: 9780801866395

The end of the Cold War brought widespread optimism about the future of civil-military relations. But as Michael Desch argues in this thought-provoking challenge to Harold Lasswell's famous "garrison state" thesis, the truth is that civilian authorities have not been able to exert greater control over military policies and decision making. In wartime, civil authorities cannot help but pay close attention to military matters. In times of peace, however, civilian leaders are less interested in military affairs--and therefore often surrender them to the military.

Focusing on a wide range of times and places, Desch begins with a look at changes in U.S. civil-military relations since the end of the Cold War. He then turns to the former Soviet Union, explaining why it was easier for civilians to control the Soviet military than its present-day Russian successor. He examines the Hindenburg-Ludendorff dictatorship in World War I Germany, Japan during the interwar era, and France's role in the Algerian crisis. Finally, he explores the changing domestic security environment and civil-military relations in South America.

List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgments
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Civilian Control of the Military in Different Threat Environments
Chapter 3: Losing Control? Civil-Military Relations in the United States during and after the Cold War
Chapter 4: Controlling Chaos: Civilian Control of the Soviet and Russian Militaries
Chapter 5: The Anger of the Legions: The Hindenburg-Ludendorff Dictatorship, The Algerian Crisis, and Interwar Japan
Chapter 6: Twilight of the Generals? Domestic Security and Civil-Military Relations in Southern Latin America
Chapter 7: What the Future Holds Appendix Major U.S. Civil-Military Conflicts, 1938-1997 Notes
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