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Viser: Subversion - The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives


Subversion Vital Source e-bog

Andreas Krieg
IGI Global
299,00 kr.
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Subversion Vital Source e-bog

Andreas Krieg
IGI Global
399,00 kr.
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Subversion Vital Source e-bog

Andreas Krieg
IGI Global
220,00 kr.
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Subversion - The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives


The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives
Andreas Krieg
Sprog: Engelsk
Georgetown University Press
528,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Maj 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781647123376R365

A penetrating analysis of weaponized information–one of the most pressing dangers to open societies

Now more than ever, communities across the world are integrated into a complex, global information ecosystem that shapes the nature of social, political, and economic life. The ripple effects of actors trying to manipulate or disrupt this information ecosystem are far more severe than the primary effects that are merely being felt in the information space. In fact, the weaponization of narratives has already shown its potential to transform the character of conflict in the twenty-first century.

Subversion examines how malicious state and nonstate actors take advantage of the information space to sow political chaos. Andreas Krieg reveals how the coordinated use of weaponized narratives can achieve strategic-level effects through a six-stage process. Preying on vulnerable states and communities to find the fault lines within societies, these campaigns begin in the information space with an ultimate goal of producing tangible results (such as changes to policy or voting behavior, or spurring political violence). Krieg closely examines recent subversion campaigns by two states in particular, focusing on Russia’s interference in Western public discourse and the United Arab Emirates’s demonization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Subversion will provide scholars and policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of one of the most urgent threats in international politics along with recommendations on how vulnerable communities can become more resilient.

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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Maj 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781647123376

A penetrating analysis of weaponized information–one of the most pressing dangers to open societies

Now more than ever, communities across the world are integrated into a complex, global information ecosystem that shapes the nature of social, political, and economic life. The ripple effects of actors trying to manipulate or disrupt this information ecosystem are far more severe than the primary effects that are merely being felt in the information space. In fact, the weaponization of narratives has already shown its potential to transform the character of conflict in the twenty-first century.

Subversion examines how malicious state and nonstate actors take advantage of the information space to sow political chaos. Andreas Krieg reveals how the coordinated use of weaponized narratives can achieve strategic-level effects through a six-stage process. Preying on vulnerable states and communities to find the fault lines within societies, these campaigns begin in the information space with an ultimate goal of producing tangible results (such as changes to policy or voting behavior, or spurring political violence). Krieg closely examines recent subversion campaigns by two states in particular, focusing on Russia’s interference in Western public discourse and the United Arab Emirates’s demonization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Subversion will provide scholars and policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of one of the most urgent threats in international politics along with recommendations on how vulnerable communities can become more resilient.

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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Maj 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781647123376R180

A penetrating analysis of weaponized information–one of the most pressing dangers to open societies

Now more than ever, communities across the world are integrated into a complex, global information ecosystem that shapes the nature of social, political, and economic life. The ripple effects of actors trying to manipulate or disrupt this information ecosystem are far more severe than the primary effects that are merely being felt in the information space. In fact, the weaponization of narratives has already shown its potential to transform the character of conflict in the twenty-first century.

Subversion examines how malicious state and nonstate actors take advantage of the information space to sow political chaos. Andreas Krieg reveals how the coordinated use of weaponized narratives can achieve strategic-level effects through a six-stage process. Preying on vulnerable states and communities to find the fault lines within societies, these campaigns begin in the information space with an ultimate goal of producing tangible results (such as changes to policy or voting behavior, or spurring political violence). Krieg closely examines recent subversion campaigns by two states in particular, focusing on Russia’s interference in Western public discourse and the United Arab Emirates’s demonization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Subversion will provide scholars and policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of one of the most urgent threats in international politics along with recommendations on how vulnerable communities can become more resilient.

Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 252 sider
  • Udgiver: Georgetown University Press (Maj 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781647123369

A penetrating analysis of weaponized information-one of the most pressing dangers to open societies

Now more than ever, communities across the world are integrated into a complex, global information ecosystem that shapes the nature of social, political, and economic life. The ripple effects of actors trying to manipulate or disrupt this information ecosystem are far more severe than the primary effects that are merely being felt in the information space. In fact, the weaponization of narratives has already shown its potential to transform the character of conflict in the twenty-first century.

Subversion examines how malicious state and nonstate actors take advantage of the information space to sow political chaos. Andreas Krieg reveals how the coordinated use of weaponized narratives can achieve strategic-level effects through a six-stage process. Preying on vulnerable states and communities to find the fault lines within societies, these campaigns begin in the information space with an ultimate goal of producing tangible results (such as changes to policy or voting behavior, or spurring political violence). Krieg closely examines recent subversion campaigns by two states in particular, focusing on Russia's interference in Western public discourse and the United Arab Emirates's demonization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Subversion will provide scholars and policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of one of the most urgent threats in international politics along with recommendations on how vulnerable communities can become more resilient.

AcknowledgmentsList of AbbreviationsIntroduction
Chapter 1: The Sociopsychology of Truth
Chapter 2: Challenging the Gatekeepers of Truth
Chapter 3: Subversion and the Contest of Wills
Chapter 4: Digital Authoritarians and the Exploitation of Liberation Technology
Chapter 5: Subversion and Russia's Concept of War in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 6: Little Sparta's Counterrevolution, or How the United Arab Emirates Weaponizes NarrativesChapter 7: Towards Information Resilience Conclusion Bibliography IndexAbout the Author
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