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Viser: Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy - Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age

Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy
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Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy Vital Source e-bog

Robert Dover
285,00 kr.
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Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy - Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age

Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy

Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age
Robert Dover
Sprog: Engelsk
C. Hurst and Company (Publishers) Limited
477,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Hurst (Oktober 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781787389816
Intelligence agencies are reflections of the societies they serve. No surprise, then, that modern spies and the agencies they work for are fixated on the internet and electronic communications. These same officials also struggle with notions of privacy, appropriateness, national boundaries and the problem of disinformation. They are citizens of both somewhere and nowhere, serving a national public yet confronting spies who operate across borders. These adversaries are utilising new technologies that offer a transnational anonymity. Meanwhile, ordinary people are keen to be protected from threats, but equally keen – basing their understanding of intelligence on news and popular culture – to avoid over-reach by authorities believed to have near-God-like powers.  This is the new operating environment for spies: a heady mix of rapid technological development, identity politics, plausible deniability, uncertainty and distrust of authority. Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy explores both the challenges spies face from these digital horizons, and the challenges citizens face in understanding what spies do and how it impacts on them. Robert Dover makes a radical case for overhauling intelligence to capitalise on open-source information: shrinking the secret state, whilst still supporting the functioning of modern governments in the post-COVID age.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: C. Hurst and Company (Publishers) Limited (Oktober 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781787384835
Intelligence agencies are reflections of the societies they serve. No surprise, then, that modern spies and the agencies they work for are fixated on the internet and electronic communications. These same officials also struggle with notions of privacy, appropriateness, national boundaries and the problem of disinformation. They are citizens of both somewhere and nowhere, serving a national public yet confronting spies who operate across borders. These adversaries are utilizing new technologies that offer a transnational anonymity. Meanwhile, ordinary people are keen to be protected from threats, but equally keen - basing their understanding of intelligence on news and popular culture - to avoid over-reach by authorities believed to have near-God-like powers. This is the new operating environment for spies: a heady mix of rapid technological development, identity politics, plausible deniability, uncertainty and distrust of authority. Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy explores both the challenges spies face from these digital horizons, and the challenges citizens face in understanding what spies do and how it impacts on them. Rob Dover makes a radical case for overhauling intelligence to capitalize on open-source information: shrinking the secret state, whilst still supporting the functioning of modern governments in the post-COVID age.
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