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Viser: Introduction to Intelligence Studies

Introduction to Intelligence Studies, 3. udgave

Introduction to Intelligence Studies

David H. McElreath, Melissa Graves og Carl J. Jensen, III
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
1.030,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 412 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (September 2022)
  • Forfattere: David H. McElreath, Melissa Graves og Carl J. Jensen, III
  • ISBN: 9780367711566

Introduction to Intelligence Studies (third edition) provides an overview of the US intelligence community, to include its history, organization, and function.

Since the attacks of 9/11, the United States Intelligence Community (IC) has undergone an extensive overhaul. This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of intelligence and security issues, defining critical terms and reviewing the history of intelligence as practiced in the United States. Designed in a practical sequence, the book begins with the basics of intelligence, progresses through its history, describes best practices, and explores the way the intelligence community looks and operates today. The authors examine the "pillars" of the American intelligence system--collection, analysis, counterintelligence, and covert operations--and demonstrate how these work together to provide "decision advantage." The book offers equal treatment to the functions of the intelligence world--balancing coverage on intelligence collection, counterintelligence, information management, critical thinking, and decision-making. It also covers such vital issues as laws and ethics, writing and briefing for the intelligence community, and the emerging threats and challenges that intelligence professionals will face in the future. This revised and updated third edition addresses issues such as the growing influence of Russia and China, the recent history of the Trump and Biden administrations and the IC, and the growing importance of the cyber world in the intelligence enterprise.

This book will be essential reading for students of intelligence studies, US national security, foreign policy and International Relations in general.

1. An Overview of Intelligence
2. History of Intelligence in the United States
3. The IC Today
4. Collection
5. Barriers to Analysis
6. Analytical Methods
7. Putting It All Together: The Intelligence Cycle
8. Counterintelligence
9. Covert Operations
10. Constitutional Mandates--Overview of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Roles
11. Writing and Briefing for the Intelligence Community
12. Military Intelligence
13. Criminal Intelligence and Crime Analysis
14. Threats and Challenges for the Twenty-First Century
15. Future of Intelligence
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