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Viser: Effectual Entrepreneurship

Effectual Entrepreneurship, 2. udgave
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Effectual Entrepreneurship Vital Source e-bog

Stuart Read
Taylor & Francis
699,00 kr.
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Effectual Entrepreneurship, 2. udgave

Effectual Entrepreneurship

Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Nick Dew og Robert Wiltbank
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
777,00 kr. 699,30 kr.
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Denne bog erstatter Effectual Entrepreneurship

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (September 2016)
  • ISBN: 9781317410317
What are you waiting for? Whether you’re dreaming about starting a business, learning about entrepreneurship or on the brink of creating a new opportunity right now, don’t wait. Open this updated bestseller. Inside you’ll find everything you need, including: a new and popular way to learn about and to practice entrepreneurship. new practical exercises, questions and activities for each step in your process. specific principles derived from the methods of expert entrepreneurs. over seventy updated case briefs of entrepreneurs across industries, locations and time. new applications to social entrepreneurship, technology and to large enterprises. plentiful connections to current and foundational research in the field (Research Roots) brand new chapter on "The Ask" - strategies for initiating the process of co-creating with partners data that will challenge conventional entrepreneurship wisdom a broader perspective on the science of entrepreneurship In this vibrant updated edition, you will find these ideas presented in the concise, modular, graphical form made popular in the first edition, perfect for those learning to be entrepreneurs or those already in the thick of things. If you want to learn about entrepreneurship in a way that emphasizes action, this new edition is vital reading. If you have already launched your entrepreneurial career and are looking for new perspectives, take the effectual entrepreneurship challenge! this book is for you. If you feel that you are no longer creating anything novel or valuable in your day job, and you’re wondering how to change things, this book is for you. Anyone using entrepreneurship to create the change they want to see in the world will find a wealth of thought-provoking material, expert advice and practical techniques in these pages and on the accompanying website: www.effectuation.org So, what are you waiting for?
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 324 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (September 2016)
  • Forfattere: Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Nick Dew og Robert Wiltbank
  • ISBN: 9781138923782

What are you waiting for?

Whether you're dreaming about starting a business, learning about entrepreneurship or on the brink of creating a new opportunity right now, don't wait. Open this updated bestseller. Inside you'll find everything you need, including:

  • a new and popular way to learn about and to practice entrepreneurship.
  • new practical exercises, questions and activities for each step in your process.
  • specific principles derived from the methods of expert entrepreneurs.
  • over seventy updated case briefs of entrepreneurs across industries, locations and time.
  • new applications to social entrepreneurship, technology and to large enterprises.
  • plentiful connections to current and foundational research in the field (Research Roots)
  • brand new chapter on "The Ask" - strategies for initiating the process of co-creating with partners
  • data that will challenge conventional entrepreneurship wisdom
  • a broader perspective on the science of entrepreneurship

In this vibrant updated edition, you will find these ideas presented in the concise, modular, graphical form made popular in the first edition, perfect for those learning to be entrepreneurs or those already in the thick of things.

If you want to learn about entrepreneurship in a way that emphasizes action, this new edition is vital reading. If you have already launched your entrepreneurial career and are looking for new perspectives, take the effectual entrepreneurship challenge! this book is for you. If you feel that you are no longer creating anything novel or valuable in your day job, and you're wondering how to change things, this book is for you.

Anyone using entrepreneurship to create the change they want to see in the world will find a wealth of thought-provoking material, expert advice and practical techniques in these pages and on the accompanying website: www.effectuation.org

So, what are you waiting for?

Part I: What We Know About Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship
1. Roadmaps, Myths and the Bahamas
2. Good Ideas Are Everywhere
3. Most Ventures Require Little Startup Capital
4. Fail Cheap And Learn Quickly
5. The Plunge Doesn't Have To Be A Plunge At All
Part II: How (Expert) Entrepreneurs Think
6. Prediction, Risk and Uncertainty
7. Opportunities Are Created As Well As Discovered
8. Managing Uncertainty Through Control
9. The Effectual Logic Of Expert Entrepreneurs
Part III: The Nuts And Bolts Of Venturing: Effectuation In Action
10.The Bird-In-Hand Principle: Start With What You Have
11. Transforming Means into Something Valuable
12. The Affordable Loss Principle: Risk Little, Fail Cheap
13. Using Slack for Bootstrap Financing
14. The Crazy Quilt Principle: Form Partnerships
15. Asking Potential Partners to Make Commitments
16. The Lemonade Principle: Leverage Surprise
17. Putting It Together: The Effectuation Process
Part IV: I Am An Entrepreneur Now: How Far Can I Go?
18. Ownership, Equity And Control: Manage Stakeholders
19. Business Plans and Business Models
20. The Venture Grows Up: Create an Entrepreneurial Culture
Part V: Applications of Effectuation
21. Brand as Venture Identity: Marketing You
22. Technology
23. Entrepreneurship As a Technology for Social Change Conclusion Directory of "Practically Speaking" Sections By Topic
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