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Viser: Effectual Entrepreneurship

Effectual Entrepreneurship

Effectual Entrepreneurship

Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Robert Wiltbank, Nick Dew og Anne-Valérie Ohlsson
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
597,00 kr.
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Denne bog er blevet erstattet af Effectual Entrepreneurship, 2. udgave

Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 240 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (December 2010)
  • Forfattere: Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Robert Wiltbank, Nick Dew og Anne-Valérie Ohlsson
  • ISBN: 9780415586443

What are you waiting for?

Whether you're dreaming about starting a business, learning about entrepreneurship, or on the brink of creating a new opportunity right now, don't wait. Open this book. Inside you will find everything you need.

This book contains:

  • a vivid new way to learn about and to practice entrepreneurship.
  • practical exercises, questions and activities for each step in your process.
  • specific principles derived from the heuristics of expert entrepreneurs.
  • 70+ case briefs of entrepreneurs across industries, geographies and time.
  • applications to social entrepreneurship as well as the creation of opportunities in large enterprises.
  • data that will challenge assumptions you might have about entrepreneurship.
  • a broader perspective about the science of entrepreneurship and implications for how individuals can shape their own situation.
  • extra resources are also available on the accompanying website: http: //www.effectuation.org/

You will find these ideas presented in a concise, modular, graphical form, perfect for those learning to be entrepreneurs or already in the thick of things.

If you want to learn about entrepreneurship in a way that emphasizes action, this book is for you. If you have already launched your entrepreneurial career and are looking for new perspectives, this book is for you. Even if you are someone who feels your day job is no longer creating anything novel or valuable, and wonders how to change it, this book is for you. Anyone using entrepreneurship to create the change they want to see in the world will find a wealth of thought-provoking material, expert advice, and practical techniques inside.

So what are you waiting for?

Part I: I want to be an entrepreneur but?
1. Entrepreneurs are visionaries
2. I don?t have a good idea
3. Entrepreneurs are risk takers
4. I don?t have enough money
5. Entrepreneurs are better at forecasting
6. I don?t know where to start
7. Entrepreneurs are not like the rest of us
8. I?m human, I?m afraid of failing

Part II: The nuts and bolts of venturing: Effectuation in action
9. The bird-in-hand principle: Start with what you have
10. Worldmaking: Understand transformation techniques
11. The affordable loss principle: Bootstrap
12. Financing: Understand resources
13. The crazy quilt principle: Form partnerships
14. Ownership and control: Understand equity
15. The lemonade principle: Leverage surprises
16. Business plans and business models: Understand pitches
17. Brand, marketing and identity in a new venture: Understand mindspace
18. The pilot-on-the-plane principle: Non-predictive control

Part III: I am an entrepreneur now: How far can I go ?
19. When the venture grows up
20. Beyond the for-profit firm Conclusion: Entrepreneurship as technology
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