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Viser: The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific - Strategy, Order, and Regional Security

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific Vital Source e-bog

Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
IGI Global
394,00 kr.
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The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific Vital Source e-bog

Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
IGI Global
289,00 kr.
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The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific
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The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific Vital Source e-bog

Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
IGI Global
525,00 kr.
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The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific - Strategy, Order, and Regional Security

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific

Strategy, Order, and Regional Security
Ann E. Rondeau, Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, James A. Russell, Christopher P. Twomey, Peter Dutton, Clive Schofield, Nicola Leveringhaus, Ryan Gingeras, Richard Dunley, Daniel Moran, Kevin Rowlands, Ian Bowers, Julie Marionneau, Sheryn Lee, James Goldrick, James Wirtz, Abhijit Singh, Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano og James A. Russell
Sprog: Engelsk
Georgetown University Press
694,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
  • ISBN: 9781647123406R365

A new framework contextualizes crucial international security issues at sea in the Indo-Pacific

Competition at sea is once again a central issue of international security. Nowhere is the urgency to address state-on-state competition at sea more strongly felt than in the Indo-Pacific region, where freedom of navigation is challenged by regional states’ continuous investments in naval power, and the renewed political will to use it to undermine its principles.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific provides an original framework in which five “factors of influence” explain how and why naval power matters in this pivotal part of the world. An international group of contributors make the case that these five factors draw upon a longstanding influence of naval power on regional dynamics and impact the extent to which different states in the region use naval power: the capacity to exert control over sea-lanes, the capacity to deploy a nuclear deterrent at sea, the capacity to implement the law of the sea in an advantageous way, the ability to control marine resources, and the capacity for technological innovation.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific offers a fresh approach for academics and policy makers seeking to navigate the complexity of maritime security and regional affairs.

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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
  • ISBN: 9781647123406R180

A new framework contextualizes crucial international security issues at sea in the Indo-Pacific

Competition at sea is once again a central issue of international security. Nowhere is the urgency to address state-on-state competition at sea more strongly felt than in the Indo-Pacific region, where freedom of navigation is challenged by regional states’ continuous investments in naval power, and the renewed political will to use it to undermine its principles.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific provides an original framework in which five “factors of influence” explain how and why naval power matters in this pivotal part of the world. An international group of contributors make the case that these five factors draw upon a longstanding influence of naval power on regional dynamics and impact the extent to which different states in the region use naval power: the capacity to exert control over sea-lanes, the capacity to deploy a nuclear deterrent at sea, the capacity to implement the law of the sea in an advantageous way, the ability to control marine resources, and the capacity for technological innovation.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific offers a fresh approach for academics and policy makers seeking to navigate the complexity of maritime security and regional affairs.

Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: IGI Global (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, and James A. Russell og Editors
  • ISBN: 9781647123406

A new framework contextualizes crucial international security issues at sea in the Indo-Pacific

Competition at sea is once again a central issue of international security. Nowhere is the urgency to address state-on-state competition at sea more strongly felt than in the Indo-Pacific region, where freedom of navigation is challenged by regional states’ continuous investments in naval power, and the renewed political will to use it to undermine its principles.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific provides an original framework in which five “factors of influence” explain how and why naval power matters in this pivotal part of the world. An international group of contributors make the case that these five factors draw upon a longstanding influence of naval power on regional dynamics and impact the extent to which different states in the region use naval power: the capacity to exert control over sea-lanes, the capacity to deploy a nuclear deterrent at sea, the capacity to implement the law of the sea in an advantageous way, the ability to control marine resources, and the capacity for technological innovation.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific offers a fresh approach for academics and policy makers seeking to navigate the complexity of maritime security and regional affairs.

Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 360 sider
  • Udgiver: Georgetown University Press (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Ann E. Rondeau, Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano, James A. Russell, Christopher P. Twomey, Peter Dutton, Clive Schofield, Nicola Leveringhaus, Ryan Gingeras, Richard Dunley, Daniel Moran, Kevin Rowlands, Ian Bowers, Julie Marionneau, Sheryn Lee, James Goldrick, James Wirtz, Abhijit Singh, Catherine L. Grant, Alessio Patalano og James A. Russell
  • ISBN: 9781647123390

A new framework contextualizes crucial international security issues at sea in the Indo-Pacific

Competition at sea is once again a central issue of international security. Nowhere is the urgency to address state-on-state competition at sea more strongly felt than in the Indo-Pacific region, where freedom of navigation is challenged by regional states' continuous investments in naval power, and the renewed political will to use it to undermine its principles.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific provides an original framework in which five "factors of influence" explain how and why naval power matters in this pivotal part of the world. An international group of contributors make the case that these five factors draw upon a longstanding influence of naval power on regional dynamics and impact the extent to which different states in the region use naval power: the capacity to exert control over sea-lanes, the capacity to deploy a nuclear deterrent at sea, the capacity to implement the law of the sea in an advantageous way, the ability to control marine resources, and the capacity for technological innovation.

The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific offers a fresh approach for academics and policy makers seeking to navigate the complexity of maritime security and regional affairs.

List of IllustrationsForeword: Vice Adm. Anne Rondeau, (USN, Ret.)AcknowledgmentsList of Acronyms1. Naval Power and a Framework for Regional Security in the Indo-PacificAlessio Patalano, James A. Russell, and Catherine L. Grant
Part I: The Factors of Influence in Indo-Pacific Security2. Geopolitics and Strategic Geography in Sino-US CompetitionChristopher Twomey3. Law, Order, and Maritime (In)StabilityPeter Dutton4. Maritime Resources and Regional CompetitionClive Schofield5. Nuclear Order at SeaNicola Leveringhaus6. Technology, Escalation, and War in the Indo-PacificJames A. Russell
Part II: Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific as History7. Asian States and Early Imperial Competition in the Indian OceanRyan Gingeras8. The "Problem of Asia" and Imperial Competition before WWIRichard Dunley9. The Far East Between the World WarsDaniel Moran
10. Superpower Rivalry and the Strategic Balance in the Cold WarKevin Rowlands
Part III: Naval Power and Contemporary Security in the Indo-Pacific
11. Northeast AsiaIan Bowers12. East and South China SeasAlessio Patalano and Julie Marionneau13. The Taiwan StraitSheryn Lee14. South PacificJames Goldrick15. Indian OceanJames Wirtz and Abhijit SinghConclusions: Strategy, Order, and Regional Security in the Indo-PacificAlessio Patalano, James A. Russell, and Catherine L. GrantIndexList of Contributors
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