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Viser: Russia and the Question of World Order

Russia and the Question of World Order

Russia and the Question of World Order

Elias Götz og Camille-Renaud Merlen
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
583,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 118 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Juni 2021)
  • Forfattere: Elias Götz og Camille-Renaud Merlen
  • ISBN: 9781032085029

Russia and the Question of World Order engages with three sets of questions that cut to the heart of the ongoing debate about Russia's role in the present world order.

Firstly, the book asks what are Russia's aims and objectives? Is Russia a highly revisionist power bent on overturning established rules and institutions, or is it best understood as a country with limited ambitions? Secondly, contributors ask what factors shape Russia's views on the global order and its foreign policy choices? And finally, they ask what are the consequences of Russia's actions for the existing international order? To answer these questions the book brings together scholars who analyse Russia's world order policies through the lenses of different theoretical approaches, including the English School, E.H. Carr's classical realism, social constructivism, and a long durée perspective.

Examining Russia's role in the present world order, with a special focus on Moscow's relations with the US, China, and the EU, Russia and the Question of World Order will be of great interest to scholars of international relations and Russian foreign policy. The chapters were originally published as a special issue of European Politics and Society.

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