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Viser: Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century

Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century

Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century

Anthony King
Sprog: Engelsk
Polity Press
253,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Polity Press (Juli 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781509543663

Warfare has migrated into cities. From Mosul to Mumbai, Aleppo to Marawi, the major military battles of the twenty-first century have taken place in densely populated urban areas. Why has this happened? What are the defining characteristics of urban warfare today? What are its military and political implications?

Leading sociologist Anthony King answers these critical questions through close analysis of recent urban battles and their historical antecedents. Exploring the changing typography and evolving tactics of the urban battlescape, he shows that although not all methods used in urban warfare are new, operations in cities today have become highly distinctive. Urban warfare has coalesced into gruelling micro-sieges, which extend from street level - and below - to the airspace high above the city, as combatants fight for individual buildings, streets and districts. At the same time, digitalized social media and information networks communicate these battles to global audiences across an urban archipelago, with these spectators often becoming active participants in the fight.

A timely reminder of the costs and the horror of war and violence in cities, this book offers an invaluable interdisciplinary introduction to urban warfare in the new millennium for students of international security, urban studies and military science, as well as military professionals.

Lists of Maps, Figures and Tables Preface
Chapter 1. Gomorrah
Chapter 2
Chapter 3. The Urban Guerrilla
Chapter 4. Metropolis
Chapter 5. Walls
Chapter 6. Air
Chapter 7. Fire
Chapter 8. Swarms
Chapter 9. Partners
Chapter 10. Rumour
Chapter 11. Armageddon Notes Bibliography
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