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Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis, 3. udgave
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Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer Jr.
Sage Publishing
1.099,00 kr.
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Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis, 3. udgave

Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer Jr.
Sage Publishing
410,00 kr.
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Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis, 2. udgave

Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis

Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer
Sprog: Engelsk
CQ Press
1.565,00 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (December 2019)
  • Forfattere: Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer Jr.
  • ISBN: 9781506368924
"Excellent publication for the study of intelligence analysis, structured analytical techniques and their application in this increasingly dangerous environment. A must read for anyone entering the intelligence community as an analyst, practitioner, stakeholder and leader." —Charles E. Wilson, University of Detroit Mercy   The Third Edition of Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis showcases sixty-six structured analytic techniques—nine new to this edition—that represent the most current best practices in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and business analysis. With more depth, detail, and utility than existing handbooks, each technique is clearly and systematically explained. Logically organized and richly illustrated, and with spiral binding and tabs that separate techniques into categories, this book is an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference.  
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (December 2019)
  • Forfattere: Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer Jr.
  • ISBN: 9781506368924R180
"Excellent publication for the study of intelligence analysis, structured analytical techniques and their application in this increasingly dangerous environment. A must read for anyone entering the intelligence community as an analyst, practitioner, stakeholder and leader." —Charles E. Wilson, University of Detroit Mercy   The Third Edition of Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis showcases sixty-six structured analytic techniques—nine new to this edition—that represent the most current best practices in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and business analysis. With more depth, detail, and utility than existing handbooks, each technique is clearly and systematically explained. Logically organized and richly illustrated, and with spiral binding and tabs that separate techniques into categories, this book is an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference.  
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Spiral bound: 384 sider
  • Udgiver: CQ Press (Februar 2020)
  • Forfattere: Randolph H. Pherson og Richards J. Heuer
  • ISBN: 9781506368931
The Third Edition of Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis by Randolph H. Pherson and Richards J. Heuer Jr showcases sixty-six structured analytic techniques--nine new to this edition--that represent the most current best practices in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and business analysis. With more depth, detail, and utility than existing handbooks, each technique is clearly and systematically explained. Logically organized and richly illustrated, and with spiral binding and tabs that separate techniques into categories, this book is an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference.
FiguresForeword by John McLaughlinPrefaceChapter 1 * Introduction and Overview
1.1 Our Vision
1.2 Role of Structured Analytic Techniques
1.3 History of Structured Analytic Techniques
1.4 The Expanding Use of Structured Analytic Techniques
1.5 Selection of Techniques for This Book
1.6 Quick Overview of ChaptersChapter 2 * The Role of Structured Techniques
2.1 Two Types of Thinking
2.2 Developing a Taxonomy of Structured Analytic Techniques
2.3 Dealing with Cognitive Limitations
2.4 Matching Cognitive Limitations to Structured Techniques
2.5 Combating Digital DisinformationChapter 3 * Choosing the Right Technique
3.1 The Six Families
3.2 Core Techniques
3.3 Selecting the Right Technique
3.4 Projects Using Multiple Techniques
3.5 Common Errors in Selecting Techniques
3.6 Making a Habit of Using Structured TechniquesChapter 4 * Practitioner's Guide to Collaboration
4.1 Social Networks and Analytic Teams
4.2 Dividing the Work
4.3 Value of Collaborative Processes
4.4 Common Pitfalls with Small Groups
4.5 Benefiting from Diversity
4.6 Advocacy versus Objective Inquiry
4.7 Leadership and TrainingChapter 5 * Getting Organized
5.1 Sorting
5.2 Ranking, Scoring, and Prioritizing
5.3 Matrices
5.4 Process Maps
5.5 Gantt ChartsChapter 6 * Exploration Techniques
6.1 Simple Brainstorming
6.2 Cluster Brainstorming
6.3 Nominal Group Technique
6.4 Circleboarding(tm)
6.5 Starbursting
6.6 Mind Maps and Concept Maps
6.7 Venn Analysis
6.8 Network AnalysisChapter 7 * Diagnostic Techniques
7.1 Key Assumptions Check
7.2 Chronologies and Timelines
7.3 Cross-Impact Matrix
7.4 Multiple Hypothesis Generation
7.5 Diagnostic Reasoning
7.6 Analysis of Competing Hypotheses
7.7 Inconsistencies Finder(tm)
7.8 Deception Detection
7.9 Argument MappingChapter 8 * Reframing Techniques
8.1 Cause and Effect Techniques
8.2 Challenge Analysis Techniques
8.3 Conflict Management TechniquesChapter 9 * Foresight Techniques
9.1 Key Drivers Generation(tm)
9.2 Key Uncertainties Finder(tm)
9.3 Reversing Assumptions
9.4 Simple Scenarios
9.5 Cone of Plausibility
9.6 Alternative Futures Analysis
9.7 Multiple Scenarios Generation
9.8 Morphological Analysis
9.9 Counterfactual Reasoning
9.10 Analysis by Contrasting Narratives
9.11 Indicators Generation, Validation, and EvaluationChapter 10 * Decision Support Techniques
10.1 Opportunities Incubator(tm)
10.2 Bowtie Analysis
10.3 Impact Matrix
10.4 SWOT Analysis
10.5 Critical Path Analysis
10.6 Decision Trees
10.7 Decision Matrix
10.8 Force Field Analysis
10.9 Pros-Cons-Faults-and-Fixes
10.10 Complexity ManagerChapter 11 * The Future of Structured Analytic Techniques
11.1 Limits of Empirical Analysis
11.2 Purpose of Structured Techniques
11.3 Projecting the Trajectory of Structured Techniques
11.4 Role of Structured Techniques in 2030
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