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Viser: Target-Centric Network Modeling - Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues

Target-Centric Network Modeling, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Target-Centric Network Modeling Vital Source e-bog

Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
Sage Publishing
779,00 kr.
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Target-Centric Network Modeling, 1. udgave

Target-Centric Network Modeling Vital Source e-bog

Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
Sage Publishing
464,00 kr.
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Target-Centric Network Modeling - Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues, 1. udgave

Target-Centric Network Modeling

Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues
Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
Sprog: Engelsk
CQ Press
1.199,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (Marts 2015)
  • Forfattere: Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
  • ISBN: 9781483386218
In Target-Centric Network Modeling: Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues, authors Robert Clark and William Mitchell take an entirely new approach to teaching intelligence analysis. Unlike any other book on the market, it offers case study scenarios using actual intelligence reporting formats, along with a tested process that facilitates the production of a wide range of analytical products for civilian, military, and hybrid intelligence environments.  Readers will learn how to perform the specific actions of problem definition modeling, target network modeling, and collaborative sharing in the process of creating a high-quality, actionable intelligence product. The case studies reflect the complexity of twenty-first century intelligence issues by dealing with multi-layered target networks that cut across political, economic, social, technological, and military issues. Working through these cases, students will learn to manage and evaluate realistic intelligence accounts.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (Marts 2015)
  • Forfattere: Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
  • ISBN: 9781483386218R180
In Target-Centric Network Modeling: Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues, authors Robert Clark and William Mitchell take an entirely new approach to teaching intelligence analysis. Unlike any other book on the market, it offers case study scenarios using actual intelligence reporting formats, along with a tested process that facilitates the production of a wide range of analytical products for civilian, military, and hybrid intelligence environments.  Readers will learn how to perform the specific actions of problem definition modeling, target network modeling, and collaborative sharing in the process of creating a high-quality, actionable intelligence product. The case studies reflect the complexity of twenty-first century intelligence issues by dealing with multi-layered target networks that cut across political, economic, social, technological, and military issues. Working through these cases, students will learn to manage and evaluate realistic intelligence accounts.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Paperback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: CQ Press (April 2015)
  • Forfattere: Robert M. Clark og William L. Mitchell
  • ISBN: 9781483316987

In Target-Centric Network Modeling: Case Studies in Analyzing Complex Intelligence Issues, authors Robert Clark and William Mitchell take an entirely new approach to teaching intelligence analysis. Unlike any other book on the market, it offers case study scenarios using actual intelligence reporting format, along with a tested process that facilitates the production of a wide range of analytical products for civilian, military, and hybrid intelligence environments.  Readers will learn how to perform the specific actions of problem definition modeling, target network modeling, and collaborative sharing in the process of creating a high-quality, actionable intelligence product. The case studies reflect the complexity of twenty-first century intelligence issues. Working through these cases, students will learn to manage and evaluate realistic intelligence accounts.

Chapter 1: Introduction The Problem Model The Target Network Model Sharing Target Network Models Intelligence Sharing in NetwarChapter 2: Working with the Case Studies Step
1: Read the Scenario Step
2: Create a Problem Definition Model Step
3: Read the Intelligence Reporting Step
4: Create a Target Network Model Step
5: Conduct Analysis Step
6: Deliver Products A Brief Example Case: Rundown FlatsChapter 3: Narcotics and the Afghan Insurgency Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 4: Balkans Organized Crime Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 5: Democratic Republic of Congo Baseline Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence SupportChapter 6: Democratic Republic of Congo: Gray Arms Traffic Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 7: Democratic Republic of Congo: Narcotics Traffic Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 8: Democratic Republic of Congo: Disease Outbreak Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 9: Democratic Republic of Congo: Likasi Chemical Plant Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 10: International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference Collection Plan Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Support Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 11: Mara Salvatrucha Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 12: Defeating the Balamiran Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms ScenarioChapter 13: Horn of Africa Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports Background ReadingChapter 14: Cyber Attack in the North Kelon Sea Region Educational Objectives Assignment Abbreviations and Acronyms Scenario Intelligence Reports
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