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Viser: Simulating War - Studying Conflict Through Simulation Games

Simulating War, 1. udgave
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Simulating War Vital Source e-bog

Philip Sabin
Bloomsbury UK
347,00 kr.
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Simulating War - Studying Conflict Through Simulation Games

Simulating War

Studying Conflict Through Simulation Games
Philip Sabin
Sprog: Engelsk
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
386,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury UK (Januar 2012)
  • ISBN: 9781441114921
Over the past fifty years, many thousands of conflict simulations have been published that bring the dynamics of past and possible future wars to life. In this new work, Philip Sabin explores the theory and practice of conflict simulation as a topic in its own right, based on his thirty years of experience in designing wargames and using them in teaching. Simulating War sets conflict simulation in its proper context alongside such techniques as game theory and operational analysis. It explains in detail the analytical and modelling techniques involved, and it teaches you how to design your own simulations of conflicts of your choice. The book provides eight simple illustrative simulations of specific historical conflicts, complete with rules, maps and counters. Simulating War is essential reading for all recreational or professional simulation gamers, and for anyone who is interested in modelling war, from teachers and students to military officers.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 416 sider
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (April 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781472533913

Over the past fifty years, many thousands of conflict simulations have been published that bring the dynamics of past and possible future wars to life.

In this book, Philip Sabin explores the theory and practice of conflict simulation as a topic in its own right, based on his thirty years of experience in designing wargames and using them in teaching. Simulating War sets conflict simulation in its proper context alongside more familiar techniques such as game theory and operational analysis. It explains in detail the analytical and modelling techniques involved, and it teaches you how to design your own simulations of conflicts of your choice. The book provides eight simple illustrative simulations of specific historical conflicts, complete with rules, maps and counters.

Simulating War is essential reading for all recreational or professional simulation gamers, and for anyone who is interested in modelling war, from teachers and students to military officers.

Part I: Theory
1. Modelling War
2. Accuracy vs Simplicity
3. Educational Utility
4. Simulation Research
Part II: Mechanics
5. Designing the Components
6. Modelling Conflict Dynamcs
7. Modelling Command Dynamics
8. Integration and Testing
Part III: Examples
9. Ancient Warfare
10. World War Two
11. Tactical Combat Conclusion Appendix
1: Assembling the Components Appendix
2: Finding Published Simulations Appendix
3: Basic Mathematics Appendix
4: Using Cyberboard Appendix
5: Kartenspiel Notes Bibliography Index
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