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Viser: The Sino-Soviet Split - Cold War in the Communist World

The Sino-Soviet Split - Cold War in the Communist World

The Sino-Soviet Split

Cold War in the Communist World
Lorenz M. Lüthi
Princeton University Press
599,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 400 sider
  • Udgiver: Princeton University Press (Marts 2008)
  • ISBN: 9780691135908

A decade after the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China established their formidable alliance in 1950, escalating public disagreements between them broke the international communist movement apart. In The Sino-Soviet Split, Lorenz Lüthi tells the story of this rupture, which became one of the defining events of the Cold War. Identifying the primary role of disputes over Marxist-Leninist ideology, Lüthi traces their devastating impact in sowing conflict between the two nations in the areas of economic development, party relations, and foreign policy. The source of this estrangement was Mao Zedong's ideological radicalization at a time when Soviet leaders, mainly Nikita Khrushchev, became committed to more pragmatic domestic and foreign policies.

Using a wide array of archival and documentary sources from three continents, Lüthi presents a richly detailed account of Sino-Soviet political relations in the 1950s and 1960s. He explores how Sino-Soviet relations were linked to Chinese domestic politics and to Mao's struggles with internal political rivals. Furthermore, Lüthi argues, the Sino-Soviet split had far-reaching consequences for the socialist camp and its connections to the nonaligned movement, the global Cold War, and the Vietnam War.

The Sino-Soviet Split provides a meticulous and cogent analysis of a major political fallout between two global powers, opening new areas of research for anyone interested in the history of international relations in the socialist world.

All chapters begin with "Points to Ponder," and "Graphic Organizer," and conclude with "Classroom Practice," "Chapter Summary," "Topics to Review," and "Reflective Practice. "
1. Science in the Multicultural Classroom: An Introduction. Science Education and Diverse Learners. The Nature of Science. Minority Participation in Science Careers. What's Wrong with the System? Addressing Equity Issues.
2. Motivation in the Multicultural Science Classroom. Encouraging Children to Learn.
3. The History of Science: A Culturally Affirming Perspective. Our Point of View.
4. Ways of Knowing Science. Teaching and Learning. Thinking and Learning.
5. Groups in the Science Classroom. Learning as a Social Process.
6. Assessing Knowledge in the Science Classroom. Assessment and Evaluation. Evaluating Children's Understandings. Evaluating Teaching and Curriculum.
7. Instructional Strategies for Culturally Diverse Learners. Children's Understanding. Instructional Strategies.
8. Constructing a Knowledge of Science and Language. Interactive Science Instruction.
9. Constructing a Knowledge of Science Processes. Science Should Be Taught. Research Regarding Science Processes. Basic Science Processes. Integrated Processes.
10. Technology in the Multicultural Classroom. Technology in Science Teaching and Learning. Changes in Software.
11. Math/Science Integration in the Multicultural Classroom. Thematic Teaching: Math/Science Integration. Components of an Interdisciplinary Curriculum.
12. Constructing a Knowledge of Science from Text in the Multicultural Science Classroom. Learning from Text.
13. Science/Technology/Society in the Multicultural Classroom. Scientific Literacy through STS.
14. Guiding Learning in the Multicultural Science Classroom. Putting the Pieces Together.
Appendix A. Safety In the Multicultural Science Classroom.
Appendix B. Critters in the Science Classroom.
Appendix C. Equipment and Supplies for the Science Classroom.
Glossary. Bibliography.
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