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Managerial Economics & Business Strategy ISE, 10. udgave
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Managerial Economics & Business Strategy ISE Vital Source e-bog

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Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 10. udgave

Managerial Economics and Business Strategy

Michael Baye og Jeff Prince
Sprog: Engelsk
McGraw-Hill Education
749,00 kr.
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  • 10. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill (Januar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781264987030
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy has been revised to include updated examples and problems, but it retains all of the basic content that made previous editions a success. By teaching managers the practical utility of basic economic tools such as present value analysis, supply and demand, regression, indifference curves, isoquants, production, costs, and the basic models of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition.  This 10th edition retails the emphasis on real-world examples and modern topics along with unique coverage found nowhere else: oligopoly, penetration pricing, multistage and repeated games, foreclosure, contracting, vertical and horizontal integration, networks, bargaining, predatory pricing, principal agent problems, raising rival’s costs, adverse selection, auctions, screening and signaling, search, limit pricing, and a host of other pricing strategies for firms enjoying market power. This balanced coverage of traditional and modern microeconomic tools makes it appropriate for a wide variety of managerial economics classrooms.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 10. Udgave
  • Paperback: 578 sider
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill Education (Januar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Michael Baye og Jeff Prince
  • ISBN: 9781266071010
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy has been revised to include updated examples and problems, but it retains all of the basic content that made previous editions a success.

By teaching managers the practical utility of basic economic tools such as present value analysis, supply and demand, regression, indifference curves, isoquants, production, costs, and the basic models of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition.

This 10th edition retails the emphasis on real-world examples and modern topics along with unique coverage found nowhere else: oligopoly, penetration pricing, multistage and repeated games, foreclosure, contracting, vertical and horizontal integration, networks, bargaining, predatory pricing, principal agent problems, raising rival’s costs, adverse selection, auctions, screening and signaling, search, limit pricing, and a host of other pricing strategies for firms enjoying market power. This balanced coverage of traditional and modern microeconomic tools makes it appropriate for a wide variety of managerial economics classrooms.

Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics
Chapter 2. Market Forces: Demand and Supply
Chapter 3. Quantitative Demand Analysis
Chapter 4. The Theory of Individual Behavior
Chapter 5. The Production Process and Costs
Chapter 6. The Organization of the Firm
Chapter 7. The Nature of Industry
Chapter 8. Managing in Competitive, Monopolistic, andMonopolistically Competitive Markets
Chapter 9. Basic Oligopoly Models
Chapter 10. Game Theory: Inside Oligopoly
Chapter 11. Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
Chapter 12. The Economics of Information
Chapter Module Group A: Strategies to Change the BusinessEnvironment
Chapter Module Group B: Government in the Marketplace CASE STUDY Spectrum--the Spawn of Time Warner Cable andCharter Communications-- Navigates Challenges from Cord Cutting and MobileCompetition
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