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Viser: Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
Springer Nature
450,00 kr. 405,00 kr.
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Introduction to Medical Image Analysis
Søgbar e-bog

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
Springer Nature
624,00 kr. 561,60 kr.
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Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
Springer Nature
399,00 kr. 359,10 kr.
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Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
Springer Nature
312,00 kr. 280,80 kr.
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Introduction to Medical Image Analysis, 1. udgave

Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer International Publishing AG
299,00 kr. 269,10 kr.
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  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2020)
  • Forfattere: Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
  • ISBN: 9783030393649R365
This easy-to-follow textbook presents an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of medical image analysis. Avoiding an overly mathematical treatment, the text focuses on intuitive explanations, illustrating the key algorithms and concepts in a way which will make sense to students from a broad range of different backgrounds. Topics and features: explains what light is, and how it can be captured by a camera and converted into an image, as well as how images can be compressed and stored; describes basic image manipulation methods for understanding and improving image quality, and a useful segmentation algorithm; reviews the basic image processing methods for segmenting or enhancing certain features in an image, with a focus on morphology methods for binary images; examines how to detect, describe, and recognize objects in an image, and how the nature of color can be used for segmenting objects; introduces a statistical method to determine what class of object the pixelsin an image represent; describes how to change the geometry within an image, how to align two images so that they are as similar as possible, and how to detect lines and paths in images; provides further exercises and other supplementary material at an associated website. This concise and accessible textbook will be invaluable to undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, medicine, and any multi-disciplinary courses that combine topics on health with data science. Medical practitioners working with medical imaging devices will also appreciate this easy-to-understand explanation of the technology.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2020)
  • Forfattere: Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
  • ISBN: 9783030393649
This easy-to-follow textbook presents an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of medical image analysis. Avoiding an overly mathematical treatment, the text focuses on intuitive explanations, illustrating the key algorithms and concepts in a way which will make sense to students from a broad range of different backgrounds. Topics and features: explains what light is, and how it can be captured by a camera and converted into an image, as well as how images can be compressed and stored; describes basic image manipulation methods for understanding and improving image quality, and a useful segmentation algorithm; reviews the basic image processing methods for segmenting or enhancing certain features in an image, with a focus on morphology methods for binary images; examines how to detect, describe, and recognize objects in an image, and how the nature of color can be used for segmenting objects; introduces a statistical method to determine what class of object the pixelsin an image represent; describes how to change the geometry within an image, how to align two images so that they are as similar as possible, and how to detect lines and paths in images; provides further exercises and other supplementary material at an associated website. This concise and accessible textbook will be invaluable to undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, medicine, and any multi-disciplinary courses that combine topics on health with data science. Medical practitioners working with medical imaging devices will also appreciate this easy-to-understand explanation of the technology.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2020)
  • Forfattere: Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
  • ISBN: 9783030393649R180
This easy-to-follow textbook presents an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of medical image analysis. Avoiding an overly mathematical treatment, the text focuses on intuitive explanations, illustrating the key algorithms and concepts in a way which will make sense to students from a broad range of different backgrounds. Topics and features: explains what light is, and how it can be captured by a camera and converted into an image, as well as how images can be compressed and stored; describes basic image manipulation methods for understanding and improving image quality, and a useful segmentation algorithm; reviews the basic image processing methods for segmenting or enhancing certain features in an image, with a focus on morphology methods for binary images; examines how to detect, describe, and recognize objects in an image, and how the nature of color can be used for segmenting objects; introduces a statistical method to determine what class of object the pixelsin an image represent; describes how to change the geometry within an image, how to align two images so that they are as similar as possible, and how to detect lines and paths in images; provides further exercises and other supplementary material at an associated website. This concise and accessible textbook will be invaluable to undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, medicine, and any multi-disciplinary courses that combine topics on health with data science. Medical practitioners working with medical imaging devices will also appreciate this easy-to-understand explanation of the technology.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source 90 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2020)
  • Forfattere: Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
  • ISBN: 9783030393649R90
This easy-to-follow textbook presents an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of medical image analysis. Avoiding an overly mathematical treatment, the text focuses on intuitive explanations, illustrating the key algorithms and concepts in a way which will make sense to students from a broad range of different backgrounds. Topics and features: explains what light is, and how it can be captured by a camera and converted into an image, as well as how images can be compressed and stored; describes basic image manipulation methods for understanding and improving image quality, and a useful segmentation algorithm; reviews the basic image processing methods for segmenting or enhancing certain features in an image, with a focus on morphology methods for binary images; examines how to detect, describe, and recognize objects in an image, and how the nature of color can be used for segmenting objects; introduces a statistical method to determine what class of object the pixelsin an image represent; describes how to change the geometry within an image, how to align two images so that they are as similar as possible, and how to detect lines and paths in images; provides further exercises and other supplementary material at an associated website. This concise and accessible textbook will be invaluable to undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, medicine, and any multi-disciplinary courses that combine topics on health with data science. Medical practitioners working with medical imaging devices will also appreciate this easy-to-understand explanation of the technology.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 90 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 90 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Paperback
  • Udgiver: Springer International Publishing AG (Maj 2020)
  • Forfattere: Rasmus R. Paulsen og Thomas B. Moeslund
  • ISBN: 9783030393632
This easy-to-follow textbook presents an engaging introduction to the fascinating world of medical image analysis. Avoiding an overly mathematical treatment, the text focuses on intuitive explanations, illustrating the key algorithms and concepts in a way which will make sense to students from a broad range of different backgrounds. Topics and features: explains what light is, and how it can be captured by a camera and converted into an image, as well as how images can be compressed and stored; describes basic image manipulation methods for understanding and improving image quality, and a useful segmentation algorithm; reviews the basic image processing methods for segmenting or enhancing certain features in an image, with a focus on morphology methods for binary images; examines how to detect, describe, and recognize objects in an image, and how the nature of color can be used for segmenting objects; introduces a statistical method to determine what class of object the pixelsin an image represent; describes how to change the geometry within an image, how to align two images so that they are as similar as possible, and how to detect lines and paths in images; provides further exercises and other supplementary material at an associated website.

This concise and accessible textbook will be invaluable to undergraduate students of computer science, engineering, medicine, and any multi-disciplinary courses that combine topics on health with data science. Medical practitioners working with medical imaging devices will also appreciate this easy-to-understand explanation of the technology.
Introduction.- Image Acquisition.- Image Storage and Compression.- Point Processing.- Neighborhood Processing.- Morphology.- BLOB Analysis.- Color Images.- Pixel Classification.- Geometric Transformations.- Image Registration.- Line and Path Detection.- Appendix A: Bits, Bytes and Binary Numbers.- Appendix B: Mathematical Definitions.
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