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Strategic Management for Tourism Hospitality and Events, 3. udgave

Strategic Management for Tourism Hospitality and Events

Nigel Evans
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
772,00 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 788 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (August 2019)
  • ISBN: 9781138345942

Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events is the must-have text for students approaching this subject for the first time. It introduces students to fundamental strategic management principles in a tourism, hospitality and events context and brings theory to life by integrating a host of industry-based case studies and examples throughout.

Among the new features and topics included in this third edition are:

  • New and fully updated international case studies from both SMEs and large-scale businesses integrated throughout to show the various applications of strategic management theory. More extensive combined sector case studies on relevant topics such as Airbnb are also included at the end of the book for seminar work.

  • New content on relevant topics such as big data, artificial intelligence, political external environment, social media and e-marketing, sustainability and CSR, absorptive capacity, and innovation.

  • Web support for tutors and students providing explanation and guidelines for instructors on how to use the textbook, as well as supplementary exercises, case studies and video links for students.

This book is written in an accessible and engaging style and structured logically with useful features throughout to aid students' learning and understanding. It is an essential resource for tourism, hospitality and events students.

Part 1 Strategy and the tourism, hospitality and events contexts
1. Strategy and strategic objectives for tourism, hospitality and event organizations
2. Introduction to strategy for tourism, hospitality and events

Part 2 Analyzing the internal environment
3. Tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the operational context: competencies, resources and competitive advantage
4. Tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the human resources context
5. Tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the financial context
6. Tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the products and markets context

Part 3 Analyzing the external environment and SWOT
7. The external environment for tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the macro context
8. The external environment for tourism, hospitality and event organizations - the micro context
9. SWOT analysis for tourism, hospitality and event organizations

Part 4 Strategic formulation, evaluation and selection
10. Competitive strategy and strategic direction for tourism, hospitality and event organizations
11. Strategic methods for tourism, hospitality and event organizations
12. Strategic evaluation and selection for tourism, hospitality and event organizations

Part 5 Strategic implementation and strategy in theory and practice
13. Strategic implementation for tourism, hospitality and event organizations
14. International and global strategies for tourism, hospitality and event organizations
15. Strategic management for tourism, hospitality and event organizations: theory and practice

Part 6 Case analysis for tourism, hospitality and events Case study summary Case 1 Competing or cooperating in the airline industry: strategic alliances or going it alone? Case 2 Queensland Australia: tourism and events - strategic positioning and promotion Case 3 Ryanair: evolution of competitive strategy Case 4 Hyatt Hotels: a family firm goes for growth Case 5 Days Inn: franchising hospitality assets in China Case 6 Reed Exhibitions: strategic issues for a leading events management company Case 7 Thomas Cook: an historic travel brand faces challenging times Case 8 Airbnb: back to the future - a 'disruptor' for global hospitality
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