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Viser: Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism

Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 6. udgave

Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism

Sareen S. Gropper og Jack L. Smith
Sprog: Engelsk
1.030,00 kr.
Denne bog er blevet erstattet af en nyere udgave.

Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Hardback: 608 sider
  • Udgiver: Wadsworth (Juni 2012)
  • Forfattere: Sareen S. Gropper og Jack L. Smith
  • ISBN: 9781133104056
Current, comprehensive, and designed to maximize clarity of the concepts you need to know, longtime best seller ADVANCED NUTRITION AND HUMAN METABOLISM, SIXTH EDITION delivers its signature quality content in a student-friendly presentation. This text is accessible, with relevant examples, illustrations, applications, tables, and figures to emphasize key concepts. The authors have thoroughly updated the art for this edition by adding several new figures and improving accuracy and clarity of the existing ones. This text continues to set the standard through the authors' ability to clearly and accurately explain even the most complex metabolic processes and concepts. It's the only book written for undergraduates that consistently stays at that level. Providing thorough and detailed coverage, the text equips you with a solid understanding of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. It covers the biochemistry of vitamins, minerals, and energy nutrients. It also examines the structure and function of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins and their regulatory role in metabolism, looks at electrolyte and fluid balance, and covers the role of nutrition in the development or exacerbation of chronic disease. With ADVANCED NUTRITION AND HUMAN METABOLISM, SIXTH EDITION, you are well prepared as you continue your journey in the field of nutrition.
SECTION I: CELLS AND THEIR NOURISHMENT.1. The Cell: A Microcosm of Life.2. The Digestive System: Mechanism for Nourishing the Body.SECTION II: MACRONUTRIENTS AND THEIR METABOLISM.3. Carbohydrates.4. Fiber.5. Lipids.6. Protein.7. Integration and Regulation of Metabolism and the Impact of Exercise and Sport.8. Body Composition, Energy Expenditure, and Energy Balance.SECTION III: THE REGULATORY NUTRIENTS.9. The Water-Soluble Vitamins.10. The Fat-Soluble Vitamins.11. Major Minerals.12. Water and Electrolytes.13. Essential Trace and Ultratrace Minerals.14. Nonessential Trace and Ultratrace Minerals.
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