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Viser: C++ Pocket Reference - C++ Syntax and Fundamentals

C   Pocket Reference, 1. udgave
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C Pocket Reference Vital Source e-bog

Kyle Loudon
O'Reilly Media, Inc
91,00 kr.
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C   Pocket Reference, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

C Pocket Reference Vital Source e-bog

Kyle Loudon
O'Reilly Media, Inc
91,00 kr.
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C++ Pocket Reference - C++ Syntax and Fundamentals

C++ Pocket Reference

C++ Syntax and Fundamentals
Kyle Loudon
Sprog: Engelsk
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
218,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 144 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (August 2008)
  • ISBN: 9780596528591
C is a complex language with many subtle facets. This is especially true when it comes to object-oriented and template programming. The C Pocket Reference is a memory aid for C programmers, enabling them to quickly look up usage and syntax for unfamiliar and infrequently used aspects of the language. The book's small size makes it easy to carry about, ensuring that it will always be at-hand when needed. Programmers will also appreciate the book's brevity; as much information as possible has been crammed into its small pages.In the C Pocket Reference, you will find: Information on C types and type conversions Syntax for C statements and preprocessor directives Help declaring and defining classes, and managing inheritance Information on declarations, storage classes, arrays, pointers, strings, and expressions Refreshers on key concepts of C such as namespaces and scope More!C Pocket Reference is useful to Java and C programmers making the transition to C , or who find themselves occasionally programming in C . The three languages are often confusingly similar. This book enables programmers familiar with C or Java to quickly come up to speed on how a particular construct or concept is implemented in C .Together with its companion STL Pocket Reference, the C Pocket Reference forms one of the most concise, easily-carried, quick-references to the C language available.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 140 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (August 2008)
  • ISBN: 9781449378943
C is a complex language with many subtle facets. This is especially true when it comes to object-oriented and template programming. The C Pocket Reference is a memory aid for C programmers, enabling them to quickly look up usage and syntax for unfamiliar and infrequently used aspects of the language. The book's small size makes it easy to carry about, ensuring that it will always be at-hand when needed. Programmers will also appreciate the book's brevity; as much information as possible has been crammed into its small pages.In the C Pocket Reference, you will find: Information on C types and type conversions Syntax for C statements and preprocessor directives Help declaring and defining classes, and managing inheritance Information on declarations, storage classes, arrays, pointers, strings, and expressions Refreshers on key concepts of C such as namespaces and scope More!C Pocket Reference is useful to Java and C programmers making the transition to C , or who find themselves occasionally programming in C . The three languages are often confusingly similar. This book enables programmers familiar with C or Java to quickly come up to speed on how a particular construct or concept is implemented in C .Together with its companion STL Pocket Reference, the C Pocket Reference forms one of the most concise, easily-carried, quick-references to the C language available.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 144 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (Maj 2003)
  • ISBN: 9780596004965

C++ is a complex language with many subtle facets. This is especially true when it comes to object-oriented and template programming. The C++ Pocket Reference is a memory aid for C++ programmers, enabling them to quickly look up usage and syntax for unfamiliar and infrequently used aspects of the language. The book's small size makes it easy to carry about, ensuring that it will always be at-hand when needed. Programmers will also appreciate the book's brevity; as much information as possible has been crammed into its small pages.In the C++ Pocket Reference, you will find:

  • Information on C++ types and type conversions
  • Syntax for C++ statements and preprocessor directives
  • Help declaring and defining classes, and managing inheritance
  • Information on declarations, storage classes, arrays, pointers, strings, and expressions
  • Refreshers on key concepts of C++ such as namespaces and scope
  • More
C++ Pocket Reference is useful to Java and C programmers making the transition to C++, or who find themselves occasionally programming in C++. The three languages are often confusingly similar. This book enables programmers familiar with C or Java to quickly come up to speed on how a particular construct or concept is implemented in C++.Together with its companion STL Pocket Reference, the C++ Pocket Reference forms one of the most concise, easily-carried, quick-references to the C++ language available.

Chapter 1: C++ Pocket Reference
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