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Viser: Dynamic Optimization - The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management
Dynamic Optimization, Second Edition Vital Source e-bog
Morton I. Kamien
Dynamic Optimization
The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management
Morton I. Kamien og Nancy L. Schwartz
Sprog: Engelsk
om ca. 10 hverdage
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- 2. Udgave
- Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 400 sider
- Udgiver: Dover Publications (April 2013)
- ISBN: 9780486310282
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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- Paperback: 400 sider
- Udgiver: Dover Publications, Incorporated (November 2012)
- Forfattere: Morton I. Kamien og Nancy L. Schwartz
- ISBN: 9780486488561
Simply, clearly, and succinctly written chapters introduce new developments, expound upon underlying theories, and cite examples. Exercises extend the development of theories, provide working examples, and indicate further uses of the methods. Geared toward management science and economics PhD students in dynamic optimization courses as well as economics professionals, this volume requires a familiarity with microeconomics and nonlinear programming. Extensive appendices provide introductions to calculus optimization and differential equations.
Part I. Calculus of Variations
Part II Optimal Control Appendix A. Calculus and Nonlinear Programming Appendix B. Differential Equations References Author Index Subject Index