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Viser: The Practice of Cloud System Administration - DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, Volume 2

Practice of Cloud System Administration, The, 1. udgave
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Practice of Cloud System Administration, The Vital Source e-bog

Thomas A. Limoncelli
Pearson International
277,00 kr.
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Practice of Cloud System Administration, The, 1. udgave

Practice of Cloud System Administration, The Vital Source e-bog

Thomas A. Limoncelli
Pearson International
216,00 kr.
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Practice of Cloud System Administration, The, 1. udgave

Practice of Cloud System Administration, The Vital Source e-bog

Thomas A. Limoncelli
Pearson International
217,00 kr.
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Practice of Cloud System Administration, The, 1. udgave

Practice of Cloud System Administration, The Vital Source e-bog

Thomas A. Limoncelli
Pearson International
262,00 kr.
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The Practice of Cloud System Administration - DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, Volume 2

The Practice of Cloud System Administration

DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, Volume 2
Thomas Limoncelli, Strata Chalup og Christina Hogan
Sprog: Engelsk
Addison Wesley Professional
534,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (September 2014)
  • ISBN: 9780133478532
“There’s an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it’s impressive to see it all in one place.” —Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce   The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on “distributed” or “cloud” computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach.   Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics:   Designing and building modern web and distributed systems Fundamentals of large system design Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies Upgrade production systems with zero down-time What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate On-call best practices that improve uptime Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team’s operational effectiveness Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today  
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 90 day rentals (dynamic pages): 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (September 2014)
  • ISBN: 9780133478532R90
“There’s an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it’s impressive to see it all in one place.” —Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce   The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on “distributed” or “cloud” computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach.   Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics:   Designing and building modern web and distributed systems Fundamentals of large system design Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies Upgrade production systems with zero down-time What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate On-call best practices that improve uptime Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team’s operational effectiveness Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today  
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 90 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 90 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages): 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (September 2014)
  • ISBN: 9780133478532R365
“There’s an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it’s impressive to see it all in one place.” —Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce   The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on “distributed” or “cloud” computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach.   Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics:   Designing and building modern web and distributed systems Fundamentals of large system design Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies Upgrade production systems with zero down-time What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate On-call best practices that improve uptime Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team’s operational effectiveness Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today  
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages): 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (September 2014)
  • ISBN: 9780133478532R180
“There’s an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it’s impressive to see it all in one place.” —Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce   The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on “distributed” or “cloud” computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach.   Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics:   Designing and building modern web and distributed systems Fundamentals of large system design Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies Upgrade production systems with zero down-time What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate On-call best practices that improve uptime Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team’s operational effectiveness Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today  
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 2 sider kan printes ad gangen
Copy: højest 2 sider i alt kan kopieres (copy/paste)

Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Addison Wesley Professional (September 2014)
  • Forfattere: Thomas Limoncelli, Strata Chalup og Christina Hogan
  • ISBN: 9780321943187

"There's an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it's impressive to see it all in one place."

--Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce


The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on "distributed" or "cloud" computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach.


Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics:


Designing and building modern web and distributed systems

  • Fundamentals of large system design
  • Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration
  • Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically
  • Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes
  • IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection

Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies

  • Upgrade production systems with zero down-time
  • What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate
  • On-call best practices that improve uptime
  • Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques
  • Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you

Assessing and evaluating your team's operational effectiveness

  • Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement
  • A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today


Part I: Design: Building It
Chapter 1: Designing in a Distributed World
Chapter 2: Designing for Operations
Chapter 3: Selecting a Service Platform
Chapter 4: Application Architectures
Chapter 5: Design Patterns for Scaling
Chapter 6: Design Patterns for Resiliency
Part II: Operations: Running It
Chapter 7: Operations in a Distributed World
Chapter 8: DevOps Culture
Chapter 9: Service Delivery: The Build Phase
Chapter 10: Service Delivery: The Deployment Phase
Chapter 11: Upgrading Live Services
Chapter 12: Automation
Chapter 13: Design Documents
Chapter 14: Oncall
Chapter 15: Disaster Preparedness
Chapter 16: Monitoring Fundamentals
Chapter 17: Monitoring Architecture and Practice
Chapter 18: Capacity Planning
Chapter 19: Creating KPIs
Chapter 20: Operational Excellence
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