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Viser: Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization

Business Ethics - Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization, 5. udgave

Business Ethics

Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization
Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Sarah Glozer og Laura Spence
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
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Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization, 5. udgave
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Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization Vital Source e-bog

Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Sarah Glozer og Laura Spence
Oxford University Press
511,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Undefined: 640 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juni 2019)
  • Forfattere: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Sarah Glozer og Laura Spence
  • ISBN: 9780198810070
How can you be an ethical corporate citizen in an increasingly complex, multiple-stakeholder world? This is the most pressing question facing businesses today, small and large, local and global.

Business Ethics is a thorough yet accessible exploration of the main ethical theories and how these apply to the major stakeholders facing this question.

Written from a truly international perspective and supported by diverse and innovative learning features, this book provides the tools and concepts necessary to understand and effectively manage ethical challenges wherever you are in the world. 'Key Concepts' and 'Think Theory' boxes ensure the essential ideas are straightforward to grasp but don't go unchallenged, while 'Ethics in Action' boxes and Case Studies illustrate these ideas at play in the working world.

Step into the shoes of a decision-maker with 'Ethical Dilemma' boxes and hear from them first hand with new 'Practitioner Spotlight' boxes, which feature fascinating insights from real-life practitioners on how they manage ethical decisions and what skills they consider to be crucial to success.

The fourth edition offers a wealth of new cases and examples as well as updates of favourites from previous editions, including features on AirBnB, TOMS, and McDonalds. Bespoke video interviews with the practitioners from the book and new multiple-choice questions enhance the online resources for students, while workshop and flipped classroom activity ideas support lecturers.

In addition, content has been thoroughly updated across the book and online to reflect the latest developments and issues surrounding corporate citizenship, globalization, and sustainability.
Award-winning, best-selling, and up-to-date; this is the textbook of choice for those wishing to excel in business ethics.

The book is supported by an extensive range of online resources:

For students:
Practitioner Spotlight videos and web links
Additional Case Study web links
Additional Ethics in Action web links
Addition Ethics on Screen web links
Think Theory responses
Film list
Ethics career guide
Further reading
Multiple-choice questions

For lecturers:
VLE content
PowerPoint slides
Test bank
Case bank
Sample course outline
Teaching notes for Case Studies
Teaching notes for Ethical Dilemmas
Teaching notes for Ethics in Action features
Teaching notes for Ethics on Screen features
Ideas for structured workshops

Part A: Understanding business ethics
1:Introducing business ethics
2:Framing business ethics: Corporate responsibility, stakeholders, and citizenship
3:Evaluating business ethics: Normative ethical theories
4:Making decisions in business ethics: Descriptive ethical theories
5:Managing business ethics: Tools and techniques of business ethics management

Part B: Contextualizing business ethics: The corporate citizen and its stakeholders
6:Shareholders and business ethics
7:Employees and business ethics
8:Consumers and business ethics
9:Suppliers, competitors, and business ethics
10:Civil society and business ethics
11:Government, regulation, and business ethics
12:Conclusions and future perspectives

Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source 1460 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juni 2019)
  • Forfattere: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Sarah Glozer og Laura Spence
  • ISBN: 9780192554888R1460
How can you be an ethical corporate citizen in an increasingly complex, multiple-stakeholder world? This is the most pressing question facing businesses today, small and large, local and global. Business Ethics is a thorough yet accessible exploration of the main ethical theories and how these apply to the major stakeholders facing this question. Written from a truly international perspective and supported by diverse and innovative learning features, this book provides the tools and concepts necessary to understand and effectively manage ethical challenges wherever you are in the world. 'Key Concepts' and 'Think Theory' boxes ensure the essential ideas are straightforward to grasp but don't go unchallenged, while 'Ethics in Action' boxes and Case Studies illustrate these ideas at play in the working world. Step into the shoes of a decision-maker with 'Ethical Dilemma' boxes and hear from them first hand with new 'Practitioner Spotlight' boxes, which feature fascinating insights from real-life practitioners on how they manage ethical decisions and what skills they consider to be crucial to success. The fifth edition offers a wealth of new cases and examples as well as updates of favourites from previous editions, including features on AirBnB, TOMS, and McDonalds. Bespoke video interviews with the practitioners from the book and new multiple-choice questions enhance the online resources for students, while workshop and flipped classroom activity ideas support lecturers. In addition, content has been thoroughly updated across the book and online to reflect the latest developments and issues surrounding corporate citizenship, globalization, and sustainability. The book is supported by an extensive range of online resources: For students: Practitioner Spotlight videos and web links Additional Case Study web links Additional Ethics in Action web links Addition Ethics on Screen web links Think Theory responses Film list Ethics career guide Further reading Multiple-choice questions For lecturers: VLE content PowerPoint slides Test bank Case bank Sample course outline Teaching notes for Case Studies Teaching notes for Ethical Dilemmas Teaching notes for Ethics in Action features Teaching notes for Ethics on Screen features Ideas for structured workshops
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