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Viser: Transformational HR

Transformational HR - How Human Resources Can Create Value and Impact Business Strategy, 2. udgave

Transformational HR

How Human Resources Can Create Value and Impact Business Strategy
Perry Timms
Sprog: Engelsk
Kogan Page, Limited
292,00 kr. 262,80 kr.
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Transformational HR, 2. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Transformational HR Vital Source e-bog

Perry Timms
Kogan Page
239,00 kr.
Leveres umiddelbart efter køb

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  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 296 sider
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page, Limited (Juli 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781398600744

Understand and use the latest developments to make an impact on business strategy as well as create a fair, inclusive and progressive working environment with this fully revised second edition of Transformational HR.

This is the practical guide professionals need to unlock HR's potential as a powerhouse for organizational success, putting transformational HR in context, exploring what has and hasn't worked until now, and setting out a vision of what HR can be. Alongside critical discussion of the latest developments and business models, including agile and humanist ways of working, Transformational HR provides tools and advice for HR professionals aspiring to become more responsive, forward-thinking and impact-led.

This updated edition features brand new case studies from companies who have adopted these models and transformed their workplaces, with examples from all sectors where organisations and their HR teams have used this book as inspiration. It is a blueprint for enabling the HR function to be a driving force for organizational success and create more fulfilling experiences for people.

* Section -
PART ONE: Context; **
Chapter -
01: Our ever-changing world - where's the hype and the hope?; **
Chapter -
02: Today's work - how have we got to this?; **
Chapter -
03: The story of the human resource profession - a problem child of the post-industrial era?; **
Chapter -
04: What's HR ever done for us?; * Section -
PART TWO: Models; **
Chapter -
05: What is transformational HR?; **
Chapter -
06: Transformational HR - the models; **
Chapter -
07: The one model to rule them all?; * Section -
PART THREE: Narratives; **
Chapter -
08: Transformational tales from HR game changers; **
Chapter -
09: Transformational organizations - stories of the future; * Section -
PART FOUR: Future; **
Chapter -
10: Transformational HR - putting it all together; **
Chapter -
11: Transformational HR - strategic-level shifts; **
Chapter -
12: Transformational HR - a new model at play; **
Chapter -
13: Closing words;

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page (Juli 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781398600768
Understand and use the latest developments to make an impact on business strategy as well as create a fair, inclusive and progressive working environment with this fully revised second edition of Transformational HR. This is the practical guide professionals need to unlock HR's potential as a powerhouse for organizational success, putting transformational HR in context, exploring what has and hasn't worked until now, and setting out a vision of what HR can be. Alongside critical discussion of the latest developments and business models, including agile and humanist ways of working, Transformational HR provides tools and advice for HR professionals aspiring to become more responsive, forward-thinking and impact-led. This updated edition features brand new case studies from companies who have adopted these models and transformed their workplaces, with examples from all sectors where organisations and their HR teams have used this book as inspiration. It is a blueprint for enabling the HR function to be a driving force for organizational success and create more fulfilling experiences for people.
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