Viser: Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems

Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems, 5. udgave

Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems

Tom Denton
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
499,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Paperback: 674 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (September 2017)
  • ISBN: 9780415725774

This textbook will help you learn all the skills you need to pass all Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Systems courses and qualifications.

As electrical and electronic systems become increasingly more complex and fundamental to the workings of modern vehicles, understanding these systems is essential for automotive technicians. For students new to the subject, this book will help to develop this knowledge, but will also assist experienced technicians in keeping up with recent technological advances. This new edition includes information on developments in pass-through technology, multiplexing, and engine control systems. In full colour and covering the latest course specifications, this is the guide that no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without.

Designed to make learning easier, this book contains:

  • Photographs, flow charts, quick reference tables, overview descriptions and step-by-step instructions.
  • Case studies to help you put the principles covered into a real-life context.
  • Useful margin features throughout, including definitions, key facts and 'safety first' considerations.
  • Free access to the support website where you will find lots of additional information and useful learning materials:

1. Electrical and electronic principles
2. Tools and equipment
3. Electrical systems and circuits
4. Batteries
5. Charging
6. Starting
7. Ignition
8. Fuel control
9. Engine management
10. Lighting
11. Auxiliaries
12. Instrumentation
13. Heating ventilation and air conditioning
14. Chassis electrical
15. Comfort and safety
16. Automotive Technology Academy

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