Viser: Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems

Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems, 1. udgave
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Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems Vital Source e-bog

Tom Denton
Taylor & Francis
698,00 kr.
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Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems

Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems

Tom Denton
Sprog: Engelsk
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Oktober 2019)
  • ISBN: 9781000727852
Automated vehicles are set to transform the world. Automated driving vehicles are here already and undergoing serious testing in several countries around the world. This book explains the technologies in language that is easy to understand and accessible to all readers. It covers the subject from several angles but in particular shows the links to existing ADAS technologies already in use in all modern vehicles. There is a lot of hype in the media at the moment about autonomous or driverless cars, and while some manufacturers expect to have vehicles available from 2020, they will not soon take over and it will be some time before they are commonplace. However, it is very important to be ready for the huge change of direction that automated driving will take. This is the first book of its type available and complements Tom Denton's other books.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 146 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge (Oktober 2019)
  • ISBN: 9780367265595
Automated vehicles are set to transform the world. Automated driving vehicles are here already and undergoing serious testing in several countries around the world. This book explains the technologies in language that is easy to understand and accessible to all readers. It covers the subject from several angles but in particular shows the links to existing ADAS technologies already in use in all modern vehicles. There is a lot of hype in the media at the moment about autonomous or driverless cars, and while some manufacturers expect to have vehicles available from 2020, they will not soon take over and it will be some time before they are commonplace. However, it is very important to be ready for the huge change of direction that automated driving will take. This is the first book of its type available and complements Tom Denton's other books.
1. Introduction
2. Safety
3. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
4. Automated driving technologies
5. Social and human issues
6. Case studies
7. Website References

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