Viser: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 3. udgave
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Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Vital Source e-bog

Tom Denton og Hayley Pells
Taylor & Francis
552,00 kr.
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Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 3. udgave

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Tom Denton og Hayley Pells
Sprog: Engelsk
499,00 kr. 449,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Januar 2024)
  • Forfattere: Tom Denton og Hayley Pells
  • ISBN: 9781003821045
Electric and hybrid vehicles are now the present, not the future. This straightforward and highly illustrated full-colour textbook is endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and introduces the subject for further education and undergraduate students as well as technicians and workshop owners, with sections for drivers who are interested to know more. This new edition contains extensively updated content, especially on batteries, charging and the high-voltage pathway and includes all new case studies and new images, photos and flow charts throughout. It covers the different types of electric vehicle, costs and emissions and the charging infrastructure before moving on to explain how hybrid and electric vehicles work. A chapter on electrical technology introduces learners to subjects such as batteries, control systems and charging, which are then covered in more detail within their own chapters. The book also covers the maintenance and repair procedures of these vehicles, including diagnostics, servicing, repair and first-responder information. The book is particularly suitable for students studying towards IMI Level 1 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Awareness, IMI Level 2 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Operation and Maintenance, IMI Level 3 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Repair and Replacement, IMI Level 4 Award in the Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components, IMI accreditation, City & Guilds (C&G) and all other EV/hybrid courses.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 296 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2023)
  • Forfattere: Tom Denton og Hayley Pells
  • ISBN: 9781032556796

Electric and hybrid vehicles are now the present, not the future. This straightforward and highly illustrated full colour textbook is endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry and introduces the subject for further education and undergraduate students as well as technicians, with sections for drivers who are interested to know more.

This new edition contains extensively updated content, especially on batteries, charging, and the high voltage pathway, and includes all new case studies and new images, photos, and flow charts throughout. It covers the different types of electric vehicle, costs and emissions, and the charging infrastructure, before moving on to explain how hybrid and electric vehicles work. A chapter on electrical technology introduces learners to subjects such as batteries, control systems and charging which are then covered in more detail within their own chapters. The book also covers the maintenance and repair procedures of these vehicles, including diagnostics, servicing, repair, and first-responder information.

The book is particularly suitable for students studying towards IMI Level 1 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Awareness, IMI Level 2 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Operation and Maintenance, IMI Level 3 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Repair and Replacement, IMI L4 Award in the Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components, IMI Accreditation, C&G and all other EV/Hybrid courses.

1. Introduction to electric vehicles.
2. Safe working, tools and hazard management.
3. Electrical and electronic principles.
4. Electric vehicle technology.
5. Batteries.
6. Motors and control systems.
7. Charging.
8. Maintenance, repairs, and replacement.
9. Diagnostics.
10. High voltage pathway for the independent workshop.

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