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Viser: Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining - Selected Contributions from ICMSCT2023, Manila, Philippines, September 20-21

Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining
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Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining Vital Source e-bog

Springer Nature
1.745,00 kr.
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Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining Vital Source e-bog

Springer Nature
1.134,00 kr.
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Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining Vital Source e-bog

Springer Nature
872,00 kr.
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Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining Vital Source e-bog

Springer Nature
2.250,00 kr.
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Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining - Selected Contributions from ICMSCT2023, Manila, Philippines, September 20-21

Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Selected Contributions from ICMSCT2023, Manila, Philippines, September 20-21
Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob, Yap Bee Wah og Obaid Ullah Mehmood
Sprog: Engelsk
2.393,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9789819734504
This book is a collection of selected research papers presented at the Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2023), held at the UST Angelicum College, Philippines, from 20th to 21st September 2023. This biennial event is a result from collaborations of university partners in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Increasing investment in digital technologies is a challenge faced by most countries after the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the demand of technological revolution 4.0. Indirectly, regardless of their level of development, they take into account the importance of redesigning strategies for resilient and sustainable regional economic development, increasing regional resilience and minimizing recovery costs as a basis for development. In such situation, this book gather discussion, viewpoints and findings on the recent works of mathematical and computing technology applications in order to propose solutions to overcome adversity of digital resilience. This book covers a wide range of topics on applied mathematics, which includes decision mathematics and also applied statistics covering statistical learning with applications. In addition, the book also highlight the latest application of statistical mining and data visualization, particularly on data mining, machine learning and data visualization. Editors believe this book will interest and influence researchers on the recent techniques, methodologies and applications to ensure digital resilience and support future research.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9789819734504R180
This book is a collection of selected research papers presented at the Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2023), held at the UST Angelicum College, Philippines, from 20th to 21st September 2023. This biennial event is a result from collaborations of university partners in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Increasing investment in digital technologies is a challenge faced by most countries after the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the demand of technological revolution 4.0. Indirectly, regardless of their level of development, they take into account the importance of redesigning strategies for resilient and sustainable regional economic development, increasing regional resilience and minimizing recovery costs as a basis for development. In such situation, this book gather discussion, viewpoints and findings on the recent works of mathematical and computing technology applications in order to propose solutions to overcome adversity of digital resilience. This book covers a wide range of topics on applied mathematics, which includes decision mathematics and also applied statistics covering statistical learning with applications. In addition, the book also highlight the latest application of statistical mining and data visualization, particularly on data mining, machine learning and data visualization. Editors believe this book will interest and influence researchers on the recent techniques, methodologies and applications to ensure digital resilience and support future research.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 90 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9789819734504R90
This book is a collection of selected research papers presented at the Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2023), held at the UST Angelicum College, Philippines, from 20th to 21st September 2023. This biennial event is a result from collaborations of university partners in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Increasing investment in digital technologies is a challenge faced by most countries after the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the demand of technological revolution 4.0. Indirectly, regardless of their level of development, they take into account the importance of redesigning strategies for resilient and sustainable regional economic development, increasing regional resilience and minimizing recovery costs as a basis for development. In such situation, this book gather discussion, viewpoints and findings on the recent works of mathematical and computing technology applications in order to propose solutions to overcome adversity of digital resilience. This book covers a wide range of topics on applied mathematics, which includes decision mathematics and also applied statistics covering statistical learning with applications. In addition, the book also highlight the latest application of statistical mining and data visualization, particularly on data mining, machine learning and data visualization. Editors believe this book will interest and influence researchers on the recent techniques, methodologies and applications to ensure digital resilience and support future research.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 90 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 90 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9789819734504R365
This book is a collection of selected research papers presented at the Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2023), held at the UST Angelicum College, Philippines, from 20th to 21st September 2023. This biennial event is a result from collaborations of university partners in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Increasing investment in digital technologies is a challenge faced by most countries after the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the demand of technological revolution 4.0. Indirectly, regardless of their level of development, they take into account the importance of redesigning strategies for resilient and sustainable regional economic development, increasing regional resilience and minimizing recovery costs as a basis for development. In such situation, this book gather discussion, viewpoints and findings on the recent works of mathematical and computing technology applications in order to propose solutions to overcome adversity of digital resilience. This book covers a wide range of topics on applied mathematics, which includes decision mathematics and also applied statistics covering statistical learning with applications. In addition, the book also highlight the latest application of statistical mining and data visualization, particularly on data mining, machine learning and data visualization. Editors believe this book will interest and influence researchers on the recent techniques, methodologies and applications to ensure digital resilience and support future research.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 350 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer (Oktober 2024)
  • Forfattere: Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob, Yap Bee Wah og Obaid Ullah Mehmood
  • ISBN: 9789819734498

Chapter 1 Roughness-Dice Similarity Measure Generalization for Rough Neutrosophic Set Application in Investment Selection Company.-
Chapter 2 Mathematical Modelling of a Food Chain with Intraspecific Competition in the Middle Predator.-
Chapter 3 The Application of Simplified Multi-Granular Linguistic Term Sets in Decision-Making Method for an Investment Company.-
Chapter 4 Optimum Resource Allocation at Emergency Department's Yellow Zone using Simulation and Data Envelopment Analysis.-
Chapter 5 Performance Efficiency of Paddy Granaries Production in Malaysia Using Bi-O MCDEA BCC Super Efficiency Model.-
Chapter 6 A Hybrid Multicriteria Decision Making Model for Environmentally Sustainable Port.-
Chapter 7 Spatial and Time Series Modeling for The Groundwater Level of Peatlands in Riau and Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.-
Chapter 8 Singular Value Decomposition on Correspondence Analysis as Derivation of Principal Component Analysis.-
Chapter 9 Stackelberg Equilibrium between Insured and Insurer in n-year Life Insurance.-
chapter 10 Modelling and Forecasting Natural Rubber Price in Malaysia: Comparison between HES, ARIMA and ANN.-
Chapter 11The Study of Cramer's V for Variables Association on Stainless Steels Corrosion Problem.-
Chapter 12 Analysis of Hospital Occupancy for COVID-19 Patients using Erlang B Queueing System.-
Chapter 13 Effect of Frequent Adjustments of Risky Assets on Portfolio Value of Unit-Linked Insurance.-
Chapter 14 The Correspondence Analysis Between Types of Motor Vehicle Claims and Customer Locations: A Case Study on Sharia General Insurance in Indonesia.-
Chapter 15 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model for Forecasting Malaysia Under-5 Mortality by State and Gender.-
Chapter 16 Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient on Climate Variables and Dengue Cases using R Programming.-
Chapter 17 Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Land Use Land Cover Change Associated with the Establishment of UiTM Cawangan Kelantan, Malaysia.-
Chapter 18 Image Data Clustering Based on the Distribution Function.-
Chapter 19 Optimizing Color Model Selection for Accurate Target Detection in Rail Anomaly.-
Chapter 20 Cyberbullying Detection Using Data Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Repository Building in Bruneian Context.-
Chapter 21 Real-Time Masked Facial Recognition with MobileNetV2 and Transfer Learning.-
Chapter 22 JUVDATA: Data Visualization of Juvenile Crime in Malaysia.-
Chapter 23 MalAware: An Agile and OSEMN-Based Big Data Visualisation for Malware Detection.-
Chapter 24 A Systematic Mapping of Data Visualization in Business Intelligence.
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