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Viser: Fundamentals of Fluorescence Imaging

Fundamentals of Fluorescence Imaging, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Fundamentals of Fluorescence Imaging Vital Source e-bog

Guy Cox
CRC Press
1.759,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Fluorescence Imaging

Fundamentals of Fluorescence Imaging

Guy Cox
Sprog: Engelsk
Pan Stanford Publishing
2.274,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes May 2018.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: CRC Press (April 2019)
  • ISBN: 9781351129381
Fluorescence imaging, at macro, micro, and submicro scales, has revolutionized biological science in the past 30 years. Immunolabelling has provided precise targeting of molecules in fixed tissue, while fluorescent proteins have enabled localization in living tissues. Fluorescent indicators enable imaging of dynamic changes in cell metabolism. This book covers, for the first time, imaging at all scales from macro to submicro (superresolution). Its authors include Robert Clegg, legendary teacher and researcher (who, sadly, passed away during the editing); Jim Pawley, editor of several editions of the Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy; the famous and now dispersed New Zealand team of Mark Cannell, Christian Soeller, and David Baddeley; Robert Hoffman, pioneer of whole-animal imaging in cancer research; Andreas Schoenle and Christian Eggeling on STED nanoscopy, and many more famous participants in this field. All the contributors are at the cutting edge of their field.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 300 sider
  • Udgiver: Pan Stanford Publishing (Maj 2018)
  • ISBN: 9789814774857

Fluorescence imaging, at macro, micro, and submicro scales, has revolutionized biological science in the past 30 years. Immunolabelling has provided precise targeting of molecules in fixed tissue, while fluorescent proteins have enabled localization in living tissues. Fluorescent indicators enable imaging of dynamic changes in cell metabolism.

This book covers, for the first time, imaging at all scales from macro to submicro (superresolution). Its authors include Robert Clegg, legendary teacher and researcher (who, sadly, passed away during the editing); Jim Pawley, editor of several editions of the Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy; the famous and now dispersed New Zealand team of Mark Cannell, Christian Soeller, and David Baddeley; Robert Hoffman, pioneer of whole-animal imaging in cancer research; Andreas Schoenle and Christian Eggeling on STED nanoscopy, and many more famous participants in this field. All the contributors are at the cutting edge of their field.

What Is Fluorescence? Scott Kable The Ploem Fluorescence Microscope Guy Cox The Confocal Fluorescence Microscope Stephen Cody and Guy Cox Multiphoton Fluorescence Microscopy Mark Cannell, Guy Cox, and Warren Zipfel Immunofluorescence Tony Henwood Fluorescent Proteins Anya Salih Dyes for Labeling Organelles and Compartments Iain Johnson Indicator and Reporter Dyes Iain Johnson New Approaches to Cancer Therapy Using In Vivo Fluorescent- Protein Imaging Robert Hoffman Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Chittanon Buranachai, John P. Eichorst, Kei Wei Teng, and Robert M. Clegg Dynamic Experiments: FRAP and Photoconversion Kelly Rogers and Sarah Ellis F?rster Resonant Energy Transfer (FRET) Vinod Jyothikumar, Yuansheng Sun, and Ammasi Periasamy Recording the Fluorescent Image James Pawley Practical Aspects of Localisation Microscopy Mark Cannell, Christian Soeller, and David Baddeley Super-Resolution Optical Microscopy with Structured Illumination Trevor Smith and Liisa Hirvonen STED Nanoscopy Christian Wurm, Andreas Schoenle, and Christian Eggeling
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