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Viser: Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport

Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport, 3. udgave

Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport

J. Fredsoe og R. Deigaard
Sprog: Engelsk
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
444,00 kr. 399,60 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 325 sider
  • Udgiver: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd (November 1992)
  • Forfattere: J. Fredsoe og R. Deigaard
  • ISBN: 9789810208417
This book treats the subject of sediment transport in the marine environment, covering transport of noncohesive sediment by waves and currents in- and outside the surf zone. It can be read independently, but a background in hydraulics and basic wave mechanics is required.The primary aim of the book is to describe the physical processes of sediment transport and how to represent them in mathematical models. The book can be divided in two main parts; in the first, the relevant hydrodynamic theory is described. This part contains a review of elementary theory for water waves, chapters on the turbulent wave boundary layer and the turbulent interaction between waves and currents, and finally, surf zone hydrodynamics and wave driven currents.The second part covers sediment transport and morphological development.The part on sediment transport introduces the basic concepts (critical bed shear stress, bed load, suspended load and sheet layer, near-bed concentration, effect of sloping bed); it treats suspended sediment in waves and current and in the surf zone, and current and wave-generated bed forms. Finally, the modelling of cross-shore and long-shore sediment transport is described together with the development of coastal profiles and coastlines.
Oracles of Reason [1693] Charles Blount 226pp A Letter to the Deists [1696] Humphrey Prideaux 156pp bound with Short and Easy Method with the Deists [1723] Charles Leslie 69pp Christianity not Mysterious [1696] John Toland 208pp bound with Letter in Answer to a Book entitled Christianity not Mysterious [1697] Peter Browne 188pp Reflections on the Conduct of the Modern Deists [1727] Samuel Chandler 166pp Christianity as Old as the Creation [1730] Matthew Tindal 400pp Usefulness, Truth and Excellency of the Christian Revelation [1731] James Foster 378pp The Moral Philosopher, in a dialogue between Philalethes, a Christian Deist, and Theophanus, a Christian Jew [1738] Thomas Morgan 460pp A Collection of the Tracts of a certain Free Enquirer [c.1750] Peter Annet 464pp
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