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Viser: Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Statics and Mechanics of Structures
Søgbar e-bog

Statics and Mechanics of Structures Vital Source e-bog

Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
Springer Nature
481,00 kr. 432,90 kr.
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Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Statics and Mechanics of Structures Vital Source e-bog

Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
Springer Nature
312,00 kr. 280,80 kr.
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Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Statics and Mechanics of Structures Vital Source e-bog

Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
Springer Nature
499,00 kr. 449,10 kr.
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Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer Netherlands
399,00 kr. 359,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2013)
  • Forfattere: Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
  • ISBN: 9789400761131
The statics and mechanics of structures form a core aspect of civil engineering. This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation. It starts with statically determinate structures in the form of trusses, beams and frames. Instability is discussed in the form of the column problem - both the ideal column and the imperfect column used in actual column design. The theory of statically indeterminate structures is then introduced, and the force and deformation methods are explained and illustrated.  An important aspect of the book’s approach is the systematic development of the theory in a form suitable for computer implementation using finite elements. This development is supported by two small computer programs, MiniTruss and MiniFrame, which permit static analysis of trusses and frames, as well as linearized stability analysis. The book’s final section presents related strength of materials subjects in greater detail; these include stress and strain, failure criteria, and normal and shear stresses in general beam flexure and in beam torsion.  The book is well-suited as a textbook for a two-semester introductory course on structures.    
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2013)
  • Forfattere: Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
  • ISBN: 9789400761131R180
The statics and mechanics of structures form a core aspect of civil engineering. This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation. It starts with statically determinate structures in the form of trusses, beams and frames. Instability is discussed in the form of the column problem - both the ideal column and the imperfect column used in actual column design. The theory of statically indeterminate structures is then introduced, and the force and deformation methods are explained and illustrated.  An important aspect of the book’s approach is the systematic development of the theory in a form suitable for computer implementation using finite elements. This development is supported by two small computer programs, MiniTruss and MiniFrame, which permit static analysis of trusses and frames, as well as linearized stability analysis. The book’s final section presents related strength of materials subjects in greater detail; these include stress and strain, failure criteria, and normal and shear stresses in general beam flexure and in beam torsion.  The book is well-suited as a textbook for a two-semester introductory course on structures.    
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2013)
  • Forfattere: Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
  • ISBN: 9789400761131R365
The statics and mechanics of structures form a core aspect of civil engineering. This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation. It starts with statically determinate structures in the form of trusses, beams and frames. Instability is discussed in the form of the column problem - both the ideal column and the imperfect column used in actual column design. The theory of statically indeterminate structures is then introduced, and the force and deformation methods are explained and illustrated.  An important aspect of the book’s approach is the systematic development of the theory in a form suitable for computer implementation using finite elements. This development is supported by two small computer programs, MiniTruss and MiniFrame, which permit static analysis of trusses and frames, as well as linearized stability analysis. The book’s final section presents related strength of materials subjects in greater detail; these include stress and strain, failure criteria, and normal and shear stresses in general beam flexure and in beam torsion.  The book is well-suited as a textbook for a two-semester introductory course on structures.    
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 526 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer Netherlands (April 2013)
  • Forfattere: Steen Krenk og Jan Høgsberg
  • ISBN: 9789400761124

The statics and mechanics of structures form a core aspect of civil engineering. This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation. It starts with statically determinate structures in the form of trusses, beams and frames. Instability is discussed in the form of the column problem - both the ideal column and the imperfect column used in actual column design. The theory of statically indeterminate structures is then introduced, and the force and deformation methods are explained and illustrated. 

An important aspect of the book's approach is the systematic development of the theory in a form suitable for computer implementation using finite elements. This development is supported by two small computer programs, MiniTruss and MiniFrame, which permit static analysis of trusses and frames, as well as linearized stability analysis. The book's final section presents related strength of materials subjects in greater detail; these include stress and strain, failure criteria, and normal and shear stresses in general beam flexure and in beam torsion. 

The book is well-suited as a textbook for a two-semester introductory course on structures.    

Preface.- 1 Equilibrium and Reactions.- 2 Truss Structures.- 3 Statics of Beams and Frames.- 4 Deformation of Beams and Frames.- 5 Column Stability.- 6 The Force Method.- 7 Deformation and Element Methods for Frames.- 8 Stresses and Strains.- 9 Material Behavior.- 10 General Bending of Beams.- 11 Flexure and Torsion of Beams.- References.- Index.
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