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Viser: Choices, Limits and Consequences of Harmonisation of Commercial Law - The Circle of Law Harmonisation
Choices, Limits and Consequences of Harmonisation of Commercial Law: The Circle of Law Harmonisation Vital Source e-bog
Morten Midtgaard Fogt
Choices, Limits and Consequences of Harmonisation of Commercial Law
The Circle of Law Harmonisation
Morten Midtgaard Fogt
Sprog: Engelsk
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- 1. Udgave
- Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
- Udgiver: Djøf Forlag (April 2024)
- ISBN: 9788771986617
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato:.
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Detaljer om varen
- 1. Udgave
- Hardback: 900 sider
- Udgiver: Jurist- og Økonomforbundet (DJØF) (Januar 2023)
- ISBN: 9788757452877
This book analyses the process of law harmonisation with the focus on choices, limits and consequences. It takes into account means, methods, role of old and new actors, principles of interpretation and gap-filling, impact of judicial bodies and their lawfinding and possible law-making function.
An important issue, which transcends the work, is how to strike the balance between the harmonisation by formal means of legislation and the creative law-making role of jurisprudence and doctrine in order to accommodate the promotion of a dynamic and continued progress in the harmonisation, the necessary degree of predictability and legal certainty, and a clear distinction from the otherwise non-harmonised applicable national law.