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Viser: Air pollution - from a local to a global perspective

Air pollution - from a local to a global perspective

Air pollution

from a local to a global perspective
Jes Fenger og Jens Chr. Tjell
Sprog: Engelsk
Polyteknisk Forlag
555,00 kr. 499,50 kr.
Flere end 10 stk på lager
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Detaljer om varen

  • 488 sider
  • Udgiver: Polyteknisk Forlag (Marts 2009)
  • Forfattere: Jes Fenger og Jens Chr. Tjell
  • ISBN: 9788750209676
Air pollution is as old as the use of fire. But in the course of time it has
changed from an indoor, ´here and now´ phenomenon over urban pollution to transboundary pollution with widespread impacts on nature and man and a time scale of years.

In recent decades the impacts have expanded to global scale with the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer possibly changing the living conditions for man and nature over the next centuries.

Air Pollution - from a local to a global perspective describes this development seen primarily from a European point of view, but also in a wider perspective. It is written by a group of Danish experts and edited to a comprehensive presentation.

The book is primarily aimed at university students at graduate level, but the technical staff in official institutions and consulting companies can also read it with benefit.

Jes Fenger has originally a Ph.D. and a D.Sc. in radiochemistry, but has in recent decades been more interested in conventional air pollution, notably the impacts of increased greenhouse effect and climate change. He has a versatile experience from participation in work for OECD, EU, NMR and IPCC. He is formally retired, but still active at the Danish National Environmental Research Institute, University of Aarhus.

Jens Christian Tjell, Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry. He is now Professor emeritus at The Technical University of Denmark. He has had an international career in the IAEA, and has participated in in numerous projects in Europe, Asia and Africa. He is presently acting as visiting professor at universities in Singapore and Thailand.

Preface 7
The editors and authors 8
Practical information 11
I The atmosphere and its pollution 15
1 The clean atmosphere 17
2 The short history of air pollution 41
II Sources and control 65
3 Pollution Control Principles 67
4 Control techniques for stationary sources 79
5 Mobile sources 125
6 Agricultural sources 153
7 Natural Sources 163
III Processes in the atmosphere 175
8 Atmospheric physics 177
9 Atmospheric Chemistry 191
10 Deposition 225
IV Techniques 237
11 Emission measuring techniques 239
12 Emission inventories 251
13 Measurement of air quality and deposition 267
14 Air pollution modelling 293
V Impacts 327
15 Health Impacts 329
16 Materials damage 351
17 Reduction of visibility 359
18 Biological effects 363
19 Depletion of the ozone layer 389
20 The increasing greenhouse effect 415
VI Economy and legislation 441
21 Economics of air pollution control 443
22 Legislation and administration 463
VII Concluding remarks 479
Index 483
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