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Viser: 12 Universal Skills The Beginners's Guide to a Successful Work Life

12 Universal Skills - The Beginners's Guide to a Successful Work Life
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12 Universal Skills - The Beginners's Guide to a Successful Work Life Vital Source e-bog

Peter Scheele og Nina Bech-Andersen
185,00 kr.
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12 Universal Skills The Beginners's Guide to a Successful Work Life

12 Universal Skills The Beginners's Guide to a Successful Work Life

Peter Scheele og Nina Bech-Andersen
199,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Headwayskills.com (September 2022)
  • Forfattere: Peter Scheele og Nina Bech-Andersen
  • ISBN: 9788771252675
Get the essential skills for a successful, meaningful career. Effectively search for jobs. Learn the unwritten rules of work. Avoid unnecessary mistakes.

12 Universal Skills is a practical guidebook packed with the tools and techniques you need to not only survive but to thrive in your job.

This book helps you accelerate your learning curve when you start your career and shows you how to avoid unnecessary mistakes and frustrations.

If you’re at the beginning of your career, 12 Universal Skills will teach you what
you need to know to be successful. And if you’re a job seeker, understanding
these important skills will make you a more attractive candidate.

With this knowledge, you will:

  1. Learn the many rules and practices that are usually untaught and unwritten

  2. Understand what valuable skills and strengths you already possess

  3. Build better working relationships and reduce interpersonal conflicts

  4. Feel happier and more fulfilled in your career

  5. Reduce stress

  6. Significantly increase your chances of getting the job or promotion you want

It usually takes years to learn and leverage the skills required for a successful and meaningful career. But with 12 Universal Skills, you can gain these insights right from the beginning.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Udgiver: (Oktober 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Scheele og Nina Bech-Andersen
  • ISBN: 9788409432875
Get the essential skills for a successful, meaningful career. Effectively search for jobs. Learn the unwritten rules of work. Avoid unnecessary mistakes.

12 Universal Skills is a practical guidebook packed with the tools and techniques you need to not only survive but to thrive in your job.

This book helps you accelerate your learning curve when you start your career and shows you how to avoid unnecessary mistakes and frustrations.

If you’re at the beginning of your career, 12 Universal Skills will teach you what
you need to know to be successful. And if you’re a job seeker, understanding
these important skills will make you a more attractive candidate.

With this knowledge, you will:

  1. Learn the many rules and practices that are usually untaught and unwritten

  2. Understand what valuable skills and strengths you already possess

  3. Build better working relationships and reduce interpersonal conflicts

  4. Feel happier and more fulfilled in your career

  5. Reduce stress

  6. Significantly increase your chances of getting the job or promotion you want

It usually takes years to learn and leverage the skills required for a successful and meaningful career. But with 12 Universal Skills, you can gain these insights right from the beginning.
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