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Viser: Classics in Total Synthesis IV - New Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis IV, 1. udgave
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Classics in Total Synthesis IV Vital Source e-bog

K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu og Stephan Rigol
John Wiley & Sons
1.026,00 kr.
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Classics in Total Synthesis IV - New Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis IV

New Targets, Strategies, Methods
K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu og Stephan Rigol
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
1.182,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu og Stephan Rigol
  • ISBN: 9783527831494

Fourth volume of a classic in the field of organic synthesis, describing retrosynthetic analysis and total synthesis of important molecules

Classics in Total Synthesis IV is a compilation of highly important synthetic methods which lead to complex molecules with valuable properties. From the complex architectures of natural products to the streamlined synthesis of functional molecules, each chapter in Classics in Total Synthesis IV unfolds a unique story. The interplay of mechanisms, reactivity, selectivity, and stereochemical aspects is thoroughly examined, echoing the pedagogical format that has become synonymous with this series. Well-designed graphics are included throughout, and all important parts of the reaction sequences are highlighted.

This volume encapsulates the culmination of new methodologies, emerging trends, and a selection of significant total syntheses undertaken from 2009 to 2022 while additionally including two earlier syntheses from 1979 and 1992 for comparison and to highlight the development of organic synthesis over the past decades. The careful balance between historical context, comments on the molecules’ impact to humankind, and the design and execution aspects of each synthesis creates a narrative that is not only clear but also intellectually stimulating.

Written by K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu and Stephan Rigol, Classics in Total Synthesis IV includes 16 chapters covering:

  • Coupling and rearrangement reactions
  • Recent advances in nonenzymatic enantioselective cyclization
  • Cycloaddition and annulation reactions
  • C−H functionalization and transition metal-mediated C−H activation
  • Electroorganic chemistry and visible-light photoredox catalysis
  • HAT-initiated olefin hydrogenation, isomerization, and hydrofunctionalization

Joining its predecessors in weaving together the threads of scientific discovery, challenge, and intellectual pursuit and establishing strong connections with biology and medicine, Classics in Total Synthesis IV is an essential reference for all future and present synthetic organic chemists.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 688 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (Februar 2025)
  • Forfattere: K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu og Stephan Rigol
  • ISBN: 9783527348770

Fourth volume of a classic in the field of organic synthesis, describing retrosynthetic analysis and total synthesis of important molecules

Classics in Total Synthesis IV is a compilation of highly important synthetic methods which lead to complex molecules with valuable properties. From the complex architectures of natural products to the streamlined synthesis of functional molecules, each chapter in Classics in Total Synthesis IV unfolds a unique story. The interplay of mechanisms, reactivity, selectivity, and stereochemical aspects is thoroughly examined, echoing the pedagogical format that has become synonymous with this series. Well-designed graphics are included throughout, and all important parts of the reaction sequences are highlighted.

This volume encapsulates the culmination of new methodologies, emerging trends, and a selection of significant total syntheses undertaken from 2009 to 2022 while additionally including two earlier syntheses from 1979 and 1992 for comparison and to highlight the development of organic synthesis over the past decades. The careful balance between historical context, comments on the molecules' impact to humankind, and the design and execution aspects of each synthesis creates a narrative that is not only clear but also intellectually stimulating.

Written by K. C. Nicolaou, Ruocheng Yu and Stephan Rigol, Classics in Total Synthesis IV includes 16 chapters covering:

  • Coupling and rearrangement reactions
  • Recent advances in nonenzymatic enantioselective cyclization
  • Cycloaddition and annulation reactions
  • C−H functionalization and transition metal-mediated C−H activation
  • Electroorganic chemistry and visible-light photoredox catalysis
  • HAT-initiated olefin hydrogenation, isomerization, and hydrofunctionalization

Joining its predecessors in weaving together the threads of scientific discovery, challenge, and intellectual pursuit and establishing strong connections with biology and medicine, Classics in Total Synthesis IV is an essential reference for all future and present synthetic organic chemists.

1. Introduction: Total Synthesis Marching on with New Methods and Strategies and with Molecules for Biology and Medicine
2. Halichondrin B and Norhalichondrin B
3. Daphmanidin E
4. Epicoccin G and (-)-Acetylaranotin
5. Taiwaniadducts B, C, and D
6. Schindilactone A
7. Welwitindolinones
8. Ryanodine and Ryanodol
9. Gedunin, Mitrephorone A, and Antiretroviral Agent Islatravir
10. Trioxacarcins
11. Aplyviolene
12. Dixiamycin B
13. Ingenol
14. Cardamom Peroxide, Nodulisporic Acid C, and Bilobalide
15. Batrachotoxin and Conidiogenones
16. Gukulenin B and C-H Functionalization
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