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Viser: The Agile Samurai

The Agile Samurai
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The Agile Samurai Vital Source e-bog

Jonathan Rasmusson
O'Reilly Media, Inc
344,00 kr. 309,60 kr.
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The Agile Samurai

The Agile Samurai

Jonathan Rasmusson
Sprog: Engelsk
Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, The
299,00 kr. 269,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (September 2010)
  • ISBN: 9781680504941
Printed in full color. Faced with a software project of epic proportions? Tired of over-committing and under-delivering? Enter the dojo of the agile samurai, where agile expert Jonathan Rasmusson shows you how to kick-start, execute, and deliver your agile projects. Combining cutting-edge tools with classic agile practices, The Agile Samurai gives you everything you need to deliver something of value every week and make rolling your software into production a non-event. Get ready to kick some software project butt. By learning the ways of the agile samurai you will discover: how to create plans and schedules your customer and your team can believe in what characteristics make a good agile team and how to form your own how to gather requirements in a fraction of the time using agile user stories what to do when you discover your schedule is wrong, and how to look like a pro correcting it how to execute fiercely by leveraging the power of agile software engineering practices By the end of this book you will know everything you need to set up, execute, and successfully deliver agile projects, and have fun along the way. If you're a project lead, this book gives you the tools to set up and lead your agile project from start to finish. If you are an analyst, programmer, tester, usability designer, or project manager, this book gives you the insight and foundation necessary to become a valuable agile team member. The Agile Samurai slices away the fluff and theory that make other books less-than-agile. It's packed with best practices, war stories, plenty of humor and hands-on tutorial exercises that will get you doing the right things, the right way. This book will make a difference.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 280 sider
  • Udgiver: Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, The (November 2010)
  • ISBN: 9781934356586

Printed in full color.

Faced with a software project of epic proportions? Tired of over-committing and under-delivering? Enter the dojo of the agile samurai, where agile expert Jonathan Rasmusson shows you how to kick-start, execute, and deliver your agile projects. Combining cutting-edge tools with classic agile practices, The Agile Samurai gives you everything you need to deliver something of value every week and make rolling your software into production a non-event.

Get ready to kick some software project butt. By learning the ways of the agile samurai you will discover:

  • how to create plans and schedules your customer and your team can believe in
  • what characteristics make a good agile team and how to form your own
  • how to gather requirements in a fraction of the time using agile user stories
  • what to do when you discover your schedule is wrong, and how to look like a pro correcting it
  • how to execute fiercely by leveraging the power of agile software engineering practices

By the end of this book you will know everything you need to set up, execute, and successfully deliver agile projects, and have fun along the way. If you're a project lead, this book gives you the tools to set up and lead your agile project from start to finish. If you are an analyst, programmer, tester, usability designer, or project manager, this book gives you the insight and foundation necessary to become a valuable agile team member.

The Agile Samurai slices away the fluff and theory that make other books less-than-agile. It's packed with best practices, war stories, plenty of humor and hands-on tutorial exercises that will get you doing the right things, the right way.

This book will make a difference.

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