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Viser: Future Tourism in a Robonomic World

Future Tourism in a Robonomic World
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Future Tourism in a Robonomic World Vital Source e-bog

Stanislav Ivanov and Craig Webster
Ingram Publisher Services UK
367,00 kr.
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Future Tourism in a Robonomic World
Søgbar e-bog

Future Tourism in a Robonomic World Vital Source e-bog

Ingram Publisher Services UK
367,00 kr.
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Future Tourism in a Robonomic World

Future Tourism in a Robonomic World

Stanislav Ivanov og Craig Webster
Sprog: Engelsk
Channel View Publications, Limited
571,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Ingram Publisher Services UK (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781845419851
This book envisions the future of tourism in an economy that is largely automated. ‘Robonomics’ is the term given to this economic system that relies on robots, artificial intelligence and automation technologies for the production of goods and delivery of services instead of human labour. The volume examines the unique technological, socioeconomic and political situation that such an economy will create, and reflects on how tourism is then produced, consumed and paid for. The chapters explore some controversial solutions to the challenges of the robonomic economic system, such as redefinition of human rights, robot rights and universal basic income schemes. The chapters also consider the transition to a robonomic tourism ecosystem and the adjustments and innovations that will be required of consumers, industry and society.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Ingram Publisher Services UK (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781845419844
This book envisions the future of tourism in an economy that is largely automated. ‘Robonomics’ is the term given to this economic system that relies on robots, artificial intelligence and automation technologies for the production of goods and delivery of services instead of human labour. The volume examines the unique technological, socioeconomic and political situation that such an economy will create, and reflects on how tourism is then produced, consumed and paid for. The chapters explore some controversial solutions to the challenges of the robonomic economic system, such as redefinition of human rights, robot rights and universal basic income schemes. The chapters also consider the transition to a robonomic tourism ecosystem and the adjustments and innovations that will be required of consumers, industry and society.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 276 sider
  • Udgiver: Channel View Publications, Limited (Oktober 2024)
  • Forfattere: Stanislav Ivanov og Craig Webster
  • ISBN: 9781845419820

This book envisions the future of tourism in an economy that is largely automated. 'Robonomics' is the term given to this economic system that relies on robots, artificial intelligence and automation technologies for the production of goods and delivery of services instead of human labour. The volume examines the unique technological, socioeconomic and political situation that such an economy will create, and reflects on how tourism is then produced, consumed and paid for. The chapters explore some controversial solutions to the challenges of the robonomic economic system, such as redefinition of human rights, robot rights and universal basic income schemes. The chapters also consider the transition to a robonomic tourism ecosystem and the adjustments and innovations that will be required of consumers, industry and society.

Contributors Preface
Part 1: The Future History of Tourism
Chapter 0.1968 Craig Webster: Diary of Samantha Smith
Chapter 0.2068 Craig Webster: Diary of Siri Wang
Chapter 0.5 Craig Webster: The Transformation from 1968 to 2068
Part 2: Foundations of Robonomics
Chapter 1. Stanislav Ivanov: Principles and Drivers of Robonomics
Chapter 2. Stanislav Ivanov: Consequences of Robonomics
Chapter 3. Stanislav Ivanov: Solutions to the Challenges of Robonomics
Part 3: Robonomics and Future Tourism
Chapter 4. Craig Webster and Stanislav Ivanov: Implications of Robonomics on Future Tourism: An Overview
Chapter 5. Ellis Urquhart: Future Trajectories for Automated Tourism and Hospitality Services
Chapter 6. Stanislav Ivanov and May Kristin Vespestad: The Automated Tourism and Hospitality Company of the Future
Chapter 7. Katerina Berezina, Lisa Cain, Katerina Volchek and Cihan Cobanoglu: Creating Experiences through Automation Technologies
Chapter 8. Katerina Berezina, Olena Ciftci and Fernando Arroyo Lopez: Development of Robot-Friendly Hospitality Facilities
Chapter 9. Daniel Wright: Sex, Health and Wellness: Considering the Future Potential for Robots and Human Relationships within Tourism Resorts
Chapter 10. Craig Webster, Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon and Yeamduan Narangajavana-Kaosiri: The Sustainability of Tourism in Robonomics
Chapter 11. Stanislav Ivanov and Craig Webster: Future Tourism in a Robonomic World: An AI-Generated
Chapter Craig Webster and Stanislav Ivanov: Conclusion: The History of the Future: Robonomics and Tourism
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