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Viser: Elementary! - Puzzles for the Chemically Curious and the Periodically Perplexed

Elementary! - Puzzles for the Chemically Curious and the Periodically Perplexed


Puzzles for the Chemically Curious and the Periodically Perplexed
Paul Board
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
270,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 278 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (December 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781839169458

Do you know your arsole from your electron? Whether tritium or trivium, this periodically puzzling collection of over 400 different quiz questions, word games and brain teasers will challenge the chemist in you. Drawing on an illustrated cornucopia of chemicals with subjects ranging from the sub-atomic to the astronomic, stories of scientists, their quirks, discoveries, and inventions will delight and inspire you. Journey through tales of how chemistry and other sciences have touched all our lives, from the food we eat to the air that we breathe, from the novels that we read to the movies that we watch. Elementary! is compiled by the Royal Society of Chemistry's puzzler Paul Board, with each chapter concentrating on a particular branch of science or facet of life. Explore scientists and superpowers, particles, places, plants, planets and poisons, and more. Get your thinking cap on!

To Start With;Alchemy;Around the House;Atmospheric;Beasts;Botany Bay;Brain Teasers;Calling All Units;Compound Interest;Discoveries;Earth Sciences;Food and Water;In Transit;Litmus Tests;Occupations;Particles;Periodicity;Pigments of the Imagination;Places;The Planets;Poisons;Radioactivity;Scientists and Inventors;Superpowers;The Body;The Two Cultures;Solutions
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