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Viser: Click Chemistry in Polymer Science - Designs to Applications

Click Chemistry in Polymer Science - Designs to Applications

Click Chemistry in Polymer Science

Designs to Applications
Nikhil K. Singha, Prantik Mondal og Richard Hoogenboom
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
4.031,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 532 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (November 2024)
  • Forfattere: Nikhil K. Singha, Prantik Mondal og Richard Hoogenboom
  • ISBN: 9781839167072

'Click' reactions are a unique class of versatile synthetic tools used in organic and polymer chemistry to develop new materials. The high efficiency of the click reactions, combined with their easy and straightforward execution, have made them an inevitable tool for the development of a variety of advanced polymer materials with tailor-made architectures and stimuli-responsive features.

This book aims to give a comprehensive overview and introduction on the use of 'click' chemistry in polymer science, including 'click,' 'click-like,' and reversible 'click' (or 'un-click') approaches in the design of macromolecules. Moreover, it will outline recent progress in utilizing different 'click chemistry' in the development of functional polymer materials for various applications, such as self-healing, hydrophobic, shape-memory, and bio-based materials.

Written and edited by leading experts in the field, chapters cover the use of different 'click' reactions, like azide-alkyne, Diels-Alder, Alder-ene, thiol-X, electrophilic substitution, and trans (esterification/amination) reactions, in polymer science. It will also cover the concept of 'trans-click' reactions, which have come to the foreground on account of improving the exchangeable efficiency of covalent bonds in covalent adaptable polymer materials.

Recognizing the present state-of-the-art, this book will be a suitable reference handbook with a valuable resource of information for students of all levels, for learning and teaching endeavors, and for researchers and scientists working on the next generation of advanced polymeric materials.

Click Chemistry in Polymer Science Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry and Multifunctional Polymers Diels-Alder Click Chemistry: A Powerful Tool for the Synthesis of Polymeric Materials Thiol-Ene/Yne Click Chemistry in Polymer Science Triazolinedione-based Click Reactions in Polymer Science Miscellaneous Click and Click-like Reactions in Polymer Science Applications of SuFEx Click Chemistry in Polymer Science Click Reactions in Dendrimers and Branched Polymers Click Chemistry for Block, Graft, and Star Copolymers 'Click' Chemistry in Polyurethanes: From Design to Applications 'Click' Chemistry in Elastomers Click Chemistry in Fluoropolymers: Current Status and Future Applications Application of Click Chemistry in Hydrogels Click Chemistry in Polymer-Drug Conjugates Click Chemistry for Hi-tech Industrial Applications Photoclick Chemistry in Polymer Science Click Chemistry in Designing Vitrimers: A New Class of Potential Sustainable Materials Conclusions and Perspectives
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