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Viser: S-Heterocycles - Retrospect, Prospects, and Biological Applications

S-Heterocycles - Retrospect, Prospects, and Biological Applications


Retrospect, Prospects, and Biological Applications
Shrikaant Kulkarni, Hemantkumar Akolkar, Vijay M. Khedkar og A. K. Haghi
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
2.883,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 490 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (Juli 2024)
  • Forfattere: Shrikaant Kulkarni, Hemantkumar Akolkar, Vijay M. Khedkar og A. K. Haghi
  • ISBN: 9781837674862

Heterocyclic compounds are vital in synthetic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and materials science. The concept of S-heterocyclic compounds revolves around organic compounds that contain heterocyclic rings, and sulfur (S) is one of the heteroatoms within the ring structure. S-enabled heterocycles have emerged as one of the key classes of heterocycles and have attracted tremendous attention attributed to their identity as 'privileged pharmacological structures' across natural products and highly active pharmaceutical agents. This edited volume reports the latest developments in practical and selective reactions and methods and provides details of the structural diversity of heterocycles. Together, the chapters provide a comprehensive view of the diversity of methods, properties, and the variety of applications in the construction of S-heterocycles. Divided into four parts, the book covers in part one the chemistry, synthesis pathways, property profile, and applications of thiazoles, and includes five chapters. Part two details thiadiazoles and part three thiopyrans, thiazine, and thiazepine. Lastly, part four focuses on thiophenes.

This volume will be of immense help to academicians, researchers, and students pursuing research and looking at the future of heterocyclic chemistry.

Part I: Thiazoles
Chapter 1: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of 1,3-Thiazoles
Chapter 2: Synthesis, Properties, and Therapeutic Applications of Dithiazoles
Chapter 3: Isothiazoles: Synthetic Strategies and Pharmacological Applications
Chapter 4: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of Benzothiazoles
Chapter 5: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of 2,4-Thiazolidinediones
Part II: Thiadiazoles
Chapter 6: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of 1,2,4-Thiadiazoles
Chapter 7: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of 1,3,4-Thiadiazoles
Part III: Thiopyrans, Thiazines and Thiazepines
Chapter 8: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of Thiopyrans
Chapter 9: Recent Developments in the Synthesis and Biological Applications of Thiazine
Chapter 10: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of Benzothiazepines
Part IV: Thiophenes
Chapter 11: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of Thiophene
Chapter 12: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications of Benzothiophene
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