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Viser: Redox-Based Catalytic Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes

Redox-based Catalytic Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes, 1. udgave
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Redox-based Catalytic Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes Vital Source e-bog

Takahiko Kojima
Royal Society of Chemistry
1.115,00 kr.
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Redox-Based Catalytic Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes

Redox-Based Catalytic Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes

Takahiko Kojima
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
1.288,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837676477
Transition metal complexes as catalysts play an indispensable role in transformation of chemical substances to value-added products using less energy-consuming processes and with high selectivity and efficiency. In collaboration with the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC), the work is a translation of the original Japanese book focusing on metal complex catalysts that are effective in redox reactions and covers important reactions involving metal complex catalysts. It describes not only what reactions proceed, but also the intermediates they pass through and how the reactions proceed, including computational chemistry approaches. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the reaction mechanisms of metal complex catalysts. The scope of this book includes oxidative reactions performed by high-valent metal-oxo species, reductive reactions, bond activation and bond formation, and photocatalytic reactions. Topics in this book will be interest to those studying catalytic chemistry and related fields including coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, organic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and industrial chemistry.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 394 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837674695

Transition metal complexes as catalysts play an indispensable role in transformation of chemical substances to value-added products using less energy-consuming processes and with high selectivity and efficiency. In collaboration with the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC), the work is a translation of the original Japanese book focusing on metal complex catalysts that are effective in redox reactions and covers important reactions involving metal complex catalysts. It describes not only what reactions proceed, but also the intermediates they pass through and how the reactions proceed, including computational chemistry approaches. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the reaction mechanisms of metal complex catalysts. The scope of this book includes oxidative reactions performed by high-valent metal-oxo species, reductive reactions, bond activation and bond formation, and photocatalytic reactions. Topics in this book will be interest to those studying catalytic chemistry and related fields including coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, organic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and industrial chemistry.

Overview of the Catalytic Chemistry of Metal Complexes Bioinspired Catalysts of Non-heme Iron Oxygenases The Role of Copper in Biocatalysis Oxidation of Inert Substrates by Metalloenzymes Catalytic Oxidation Reactions Using Second and Third Series Transition Metal Complexes Integration of Metal Nanoparticles and Metal-Organic Frameworks for Composite Catalysts Environmentally Friendly Liquid-phase Oxidation Reactions Using Polyoxometalate Compounds Metal Complex Catalysts Immobilized on Porous Materials A Theoretical Approach for Investigating the Reaction Mechanism of Methane-Methanol Conversion, and Application of the Approach to Catalysts Activation of H2 Nitrogen Fixation Activation of the Dinitrogen Molecule: The Relationship Between the Structures and Reactivities of Dinitrogen Metal Complexes Hydrogenation of Organic Compounds Transition-metal Complexes for Transformations of Tetrafluoroethylene Catalytic Reactions by Metal Clusters Functionalization via C-H Bond Activation Photocatalytic Redox Reactions with Metal Complex Catalysts CO2 Reduction Using Metal Complexes as Photocatalysts
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