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Viser: Salmonella Biofilms - Formation, Resistance, and Therapeutics

Salmonella Biofilms - Formation, Resistance, and Therapeutics

Salmonella Biofilms

Formation, Resistance, and Therapeutics
Awanish Kumar og Aditya Upadhyay
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
3.295,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Apr 2025.

Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 290 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (April 2025)
  • Forfattere: Awanish Kumar og Aditya Upadhyay
  • ISBN: 9781837674527

Up to 80% of chronic and recurrent human bacterial infections are caused by bacterial biofilms, which are extremely hard to cure. Salmonella is an especially interesting pathogen because of its ability to cause diseases through a variety of mechanisms and form complex communities in biofilms.

Due to the difficulty of treatment, investigation of alternatives to conventional antibiotics is an important direction of research in combating biofilm formation including natural products, nanoparticles, matrix degrading enzymes or combinatorial enzymes, quorum quenching, and novel combinations with other therapies such as PDT and surgical intervention.

This book covers the process of Salmonella infection and mechanisms of biofilm formation, current and emerging therapeutic management strategies against Salmonella biofilms as well as the limitations of existing treatment options. It also covers the complex relationship between biofilm infection and other co-morbidities.

The book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers interested in antimicrobial resistance, bacteriology, antibiotic drug development, and related research.

Biofilm: A Life for Microorganisms with Basic Biofilm Principles Salmonella Infections with Biofilms in Developed and Developing Nations Uncovering the Co-relationship Between Salmonella Biofilm Infections and Other Morbidities Antibiotic Therapy for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Enzymatic Drug Therapy for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Secondary Metabolites and Peptide Drug Therapy for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Phytochemical-based Drugs for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Synthetic Compounds in Disruption of Salmonella Biofilm Combinatorial Drug Therapy for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Drug Repurposing as an Effective Solution to Control Salmonella Biofilm Infection Nanodrug Therapy for Salmonella Biofilm Disruption Future Discovery Path to Combat Salmonella Biofilm Infection
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