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Viser: Medical Applications for Biocompatible Surfaces and Coatings

Medical Applications for Biocompatible Surfaces and Coatings, 1. udgave
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Medical Applications for Biocompatible Surfaces and Coatings Vital Source e-bog

Shrikaant Kulkarni
Royal Society of Chemistry
3.330,00 kr.
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Medical Applications for Biocompatible Surfaces and Coatings

Medical Applications for Biocompatible Surfaces and Coatings

Shrikaant Kulkarni, A. K. Haghi, Bancha Yingngam og Matthew Chidozie Ogwu
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
3.847,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry (November 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837675562
Surface chemistry has a major influence on the biocompatibility of materials, and applying a suitable coating can provide a cost-effective way to ensure the compatibility of medical devices and biomaterials without compromising their physical properties. Biocompatible coatings mimic naturally occurring coatings but may offer additional functionalities, such as lubrication, resistance to abrasion, or bacterial inhibition. This book explores various approaches to designing and developing biocompatible coatings and the range of applications they offer. The editors have brought together a wealth of expertise, providing, for the first time, a comprehensive volume addressing the current needs in medicine. Consideration is given to the next generation of coating systems and industry case studies are also presented.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 536 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (November 2024)
  • Forfattere: Shrikaant Kulkarni, A. K. Haghi, Bancha Yingngam og Matthew Chidozie Ogwu
  • ISBN: 9781837674343

Surface chemistry has a major influence on the biocompatibility of materials, and applying a suitable coating can provide a cost-effective way to ensure the compatibility of medical devices and biomaterials without compromising their physical properties. Biocompatible coatings mimic naturally occurring coatings but may offer additional functionalities, such as lubrication, resistance to abrasion, or bacterial inhibition.

This book explores various approaches to designing and developing biocompatible coatings and the range of applications they offer. The editors have brought together a wealth of expertise, providing, for the first time, a comprehensive volume addressing the current needs in medicine. Consideration is given to the next generation of coating systems and industry case studies are also presented.

Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) as a Biocompatible Coating for Biomedical Engineering Surface Modification Techniques for Enhancing the Functionality of Biomaterials in the Medical Field Recent Advances and Challenges in Targeted Drug Delivery Using Biofunctional Coatings Biocompatible Tablet Film Coatings for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients The Potential of Bacterial Nanocellulose-based Hydrogels and Their Nanocomposites as Coating Materials in Regenerative Biomedicine Materials and Their Improvements for Surface Coatings in Biomedical Applications Recent Advances in Biocompatible Coating Materials for Enhanced Medical Applications Electrospinning of Biocompatible Nanofibres for Medical Coatings: Techniques and Applications Vibration-assisted Microbead Production: A New Frontier for Biocompatible Surfaces Biocompatible Coatings on Implants Biocompatible Coating of Medical Devices for Protection Against Biofilms Microparticle- and Nanoparticle-enabled Biocompatible Coatings in Drug Delivery Systems Biocompatible Coatings for Pharmaceuticals Exploring Antibacterial Coatings in Biomaterial Applications: Improving Performance and Biocompatibility Biocompatible Coatings for Medical Applications
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