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Viser: Biosensing Technology for Human Health - Eco-Friendly Materials and Real-world Applications

Biosensing Technology for Human Health, 1. udgave
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Biosensing Technology for Human Health Vital Source e-bog

Edited by J. G. Manjunatha
Royal Society of Chemistry
3.330,00 kr.
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Biosensing Technology for Human Health - Eco-Friendly Materials and Real-world Applications

Biosensing Technology for Human Health

Eco-Friendly Materials and Real-world Applications
J. G. Manjunatha
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
3.847,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837676330
The rapid advances in biosensing technology over the past few decades have revolutionized the field of human health. From early disease detection to personalized medicine, these technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to improve patient outcomes and overall public health. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of biosensing technologies, their applications and future prospects. Initially, the book explores the fundamental principles underlying biosensing technology then details various types of biosensors, including electrochemical sensors, discussing their mechanisms, advantages and limitations. The subsequent sections of the book are dedicated to the practical applications of biosensing technologies in human health including infectious disease diagnostics, environmental monitoring and the development of wearable biosensors for continuous health monitoring. These chapters highlight real-world examples and case studies, illustrating the impact of biosensing technology on healthcare practices. This book is a crucial resource for academics, researchers, and those who want to learn more about electrochemical phenomena, experiment with cutting-edge methods and use biosensors for a variety of purposes.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 502 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837674213

The rapid advances in biosensing technology over the past few decades have revolutionized the field of human health. From early disease detection to personalized medicine, these technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to improve patient outcomes and overall public health. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of biosensing technologies, their applications and future prospects.

Initially, the book explores the fundamental principles underlying biosensing technology then details various types of biosensors, including electrochemical sensors, discussing their mechanisms, advantages and limitations. The subsequent sections of the book are dedicated to the practical applications of biosensing technologies in human health including infectious disease diagnostics, environmental monitoring and the development of wearable biosensors for continuous health monitoring. These chapters highlight real-world examples and case studies, illustrating the impact of biosensing technology on healthcare practices. This book is a crucial resource for academics, researchers, and those who want to learn more about electrochemical phenomena, experiment with cutting-edge methods and use biosensors for a variety of purposes.

Brief Overview of Different Biosensors: Properties, Applications, and Their Role in Chemistry Green Applications of Electrochemical Biosensors Theoretical Characteristics of Bio-sensing Technology A Comparative Study of the Application of Biosensors in Human Health Recent Advancement of Biosensors as Electrodes Detection of Heavy Metals Present in the Environment by Biosensors Microplastic Detection and Quantification with Biosensing Techniques Biosensors for the Determination of Toxic Phenolic Compounds Present in Cosmetics Electrochemical Biosensors Available for Identifying Hazardous Chemicals Used in Agriculture Electrochemical Biosensors for Analysis of Neurochemicals Electroanalysis of Vitamins Using Carbon Sensors Effect of Biosensors on Food Dyes: A Review Biosensors for the Quantification of Food Flavors and Additives Detection of Toxins in Food by Biosensors Biosensors for the Quantification of Flavonoids Toxicity, Safety and Disposal of Developed Biosensors Sustainability of Biosensors over Conventional Methods Detection of Psychotomimetic Drugs in Beverages and Food
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