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Viser: Laser-Based Techniques for Nanomaterials - Processing to Characterization

Laser-Based Techniques for Nanomaterials - Processing to Characterization

Laser-Based Techniques for Nanomaterials

Processing to Characterization
Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Rodolphe Antoine, Sabu Thomas og Padiyakkuth Nideesh
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
3.663,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 338 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Rodolphe Antoine, Sabu Thomas og Padiyakkuth Nideesh
  • ISBN: 9781837671281

Laser technologies offer multiple benefits in the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials. In synthesis the higher selectivity and shorter processing times of laser-based techniques can help you to save time and minimise waste, compared to conventional fabrication processes. Characterisation with lasers allows you to study nonlinear optical effects which provide better molecular selectivity and reduced background signals.

Beginning with chapters introducing the principles of lasers and non-linear optics, this book will guide you through using laser-based techniques for the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials. Laser sintering and melting are included, as well as approaches to 3D printing by using multiphoton lithography. Various characterisation techniques are described, including multiscale and ultrafast dynamics, and LIBS.

Both experienced practitioners and those aspiring to use lasers in their work will find this book a useful and inspiring guide.

Laser Fundamentals Fundamentals of Non-linear Optics in Nanostructures Linear and Nonlinear Optical Techniques for Light-Matter Interaction in Nanoscale Systems Laser Induced Plasma: Fundamentals and Characterization Ultrafast Laser Nanoprocessing and Applications Ultrafast Laser Ablation - A Peerless Synthesis Strategy for Functional Nanomaterials Advances in Ultrafast Laser Structuring of Materials at the Nanoscale Recent Advances and Prospects in Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Melting (SLM) and Multiphoton Lithography for 3D Printing Nonlinear Optical Techniques for Nanomaterials LIBS for Characterizing Nanomaterials Transient Absorption Spectroscopy: Probing the Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanomaterial Complex Systems Application of Random Lasers for Probing Multi-scale Dynamics at the Nano-Microscale
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