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Viser: Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values

Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values, 3. udgave

Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values

Derek Clements-Croome
Sprog: Engelsk
ICE Publishing
1.636,00 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 384 sider
  • Udgiver: ICE Publishing (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781835498194

Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values, Third edition is a comprehensive guide and an international reference source to the latest knowledge on the design, management, operation and technology of intelligent buildings and cities for sustainable developments that meet the needs of users now and in the future. A transdisciplinary approach underpins the beliefs expressed in the book. Written by authors from industry and academia, the book considers cultural changes affecting the way people live and work, the importance of an integrated approach to design and management, and the benefits technological developments can bring in developing sustainable buildings that meet users' needs and those to mitigate climate change.

Fully revised and updated with contributions on the latest developments, the book focuses on:

  • intelligent liveable buildings which are a vital part of the infrastructure that make up towns and cities, whether new build or undergoing renovation
  • innovative approaches which make buildings and cities less stressful, more sustainable, more humane and creative places to be in, providing better services and opportunities
  • the importance of user-centred design, artificial intelligence and emerging monitoring technologies in the successful implementation of intelligent systems to create an environment capable of continually interacting with occupants to provide places with high social value
  • learning lessons from nature to inspire engineering applications and more sustainable architecture
  • how buildings can make the best use of technology in the least complicated way
  • case studies from across the UK to demonstrate how intelligent design, construction, management and technology has been used successfully in practice.

The third edition of Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values extends the thinking in the first and second editions of Intelligent Buildings. It remains an invaluable practical guide with a rich source of references for architecture, engineering and construction professionals, building owners and developers involved in procurement, design, management and operation of buildings, as well as students studying architecture, engineering, building services, facilities management and other built environment courses.

Chapter 1. Intelligent buildings: present and future; Derek Clements-Croome
Chapter 2. artificial intelligence opportunities and challenges for architecture; Derek Clements-Croome
Chapter 3. Infrastructure: design, planning and management; Xi Liang, John Gleeson, and Amy Pargeter
Chapter 4. Iterative and integrated design and delivery processes; Mina Hasman
Chapter 5. Biomimetic architecture: exploring adaptive facades inspired by nature; Negin Imani, and Brenda Vale
Chapter 6. En route to nature integrated design: opportunities and challenges; Michael Hensel and Defne Sunguroglu Hensel
Chapter 7. Optimising Systems in Intelligent Buildings; Derek Clements-Croome, Amir Ghaffrian Hoseini, Ali Ghaffrian Hoseini, Kamal Dhawan, and Shen Wei
Chapter 8. A systems thinking approach towards a net zero transformation of buildings, cities and communities; Farah Naz
Chapter 9. The circular economy in action; Joyce Chan-Schoof and Charles Sapwell
Chapter 10. Sustainable architecture; Derek Clements-Croome and Clare Bowman
Chapter 11. Policies and technological landscapes in sustainable design; Seyed Masoud Sajjadian
Chapter 12. Creative design for flourishing workspaces; Ron Bakker, Midori Ainoura, and Savannah Willits
Chapter 13. Technology trends now and into the future; Arraz Makhani and Philip Ross
Chapter 14. How businesses benefit from intelligent buildings; Matthew Marson and William Readshaw
Chapter 15. Assessing social value; Guy Battle and Kiron Campbell
Chapter 16. The autonomous intelligent workplace environment; Gary Middlehurst
Chapter 17. A vision for the future; Derek Clements-Croome
Chapter 18. Case studies; Sustainability at Reading University by Dan Fernbank; The Deloitte Edge Building in Amsterdam by Ron Bakker; The Forest Green Stadium by Fabian Hecker; Pioneering deep decarbonisation strategies for data centres and building space heating by Xiaoshu Lu
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