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Research Handbook of Global Leadership - Making a Difference

Research Handbook of Global Leadership

Making a Difference
Lena Zander
Sprog: Engelsk
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
799,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 456 sider
  • Udgiver: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited (April 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781800886964
This timely Research Handbook brings together a group of internationally renowned scholars to take a fresh look at global leadership, querying in what way leaders, teams, firms, universities and business schools can make a difference in our world today and tomorrow.

Presenting contemporary studies into a vibrant field, this Research Handbook offers empirical, theoretical, critical and pedagogical-based research, placing leaders firmly in their global cultural context. Chapters cover critical issues such as how leaders and teams can understand and incorporate cultural multiplicity, how firms can engage in responsible and inclusive leadership, and how universities and business schools can innovatively educate socially conscious global leaders to have an impact on our future.

Comprehensive and insightful, this Research Handbook is critical reading for researchers of leadership seeking new avenues of enquiry. The broad and multilevel approach to the challenges and demands of contemporary leadership are also valuable for practitioners, business school teachers and students.

Contributors include:M. Alvesson, A.A. Arnardottir, D. Bilton, A. Bird, M. Borecká, L.A. Burke-Smalley, C.L. Butler, K. Daellenbach, A-K. Engstrand, P. Gabaldón , S. Gröschl , J. Herman, C. Holgersson, K. Jonsen, G. Karamustafa, J. Lauring, H-J. Lee, Y-T. Lee, G. Lücke, T. Maak, K. Mäkelä, D. Mazutis, T.C. McCausland, M. Mendenhall, C. Miska, A.I. Mockaitis, F. Moore , L.J. Noval, G. Oddou, J.S. Osland, C. Pahlberg , V.J. Patock, C.L. Pearce, N.M. Pless, L. Romani, R. Seymour, G.K. Stahl, S. Sveningsson, S. Teerikangas, M. Vodosek, G. Vogelgesang Lester, C.L. Wassenaar, C.M. Webster, L. Zander, U. Zander, P. Zettinig, C. Zintel

Contents:Foreword xxivRichard M. Steers1 Prologue to the Research Handbook of Global Leadership: Making a Difference 1Lena ZanderLEADERS AND TEAMS: MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH GLOBAL LEADERSHIP2 Multicultural leadership: keeping multiplicity alive and well 17Gundula Lücke3 Global leadership: sustaining classic managerialism 39Stefan Sveningsson and Mats Alvesson4 Action intent: getting closer to leadership behavior in 22 countries 54Lena Zander, Audra I. Mockaitis and Anne-Wil Harzing, with Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Cordula Barzantny, Srabani Roy Choudhury, Anabella Davila, Joyce De Leon, Alvaro Espejo, Rita Ferreira, Axèle Giroud, Kathrin Köster, Yung-Kuei Liang, Michael J. Morley, Barbara Myloni, Joseph O.T. Odusanya, Sharon L. O'Sullivan, Ananda Kumar Palaniappan, Paulo Prochno, Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Sununta Siengthai, Ayda Uzunçarsili Soydas and Linda Viswat5 The motivational forces and moral imperatives of relational models: implications for global leadership 76Markus Vodosek and Lena Zander6 Meeting the challenges of globalization in order to make a difference: implications for teams and team leadership 91Kristiina Mäkelä, Jakob Lauring, Christina L. Butler, Hyun-Jung Lee, Gundula Lücke, Christof Miska, Cecilia Pahlberg and Günter K. Stahl7 Making a difference: managing identities and emotions in multicultural teams 108Yih-teen Lee and Susan C. Schneider8 Making a difference in the digital age: global leadership and multiteam systems 126Jeffrey L. Herman, Tracy C. McCausland and Daniel Bliton9 The new Millennial global leaders: what a difference a generation makes! 141Christina L. Butler, Ciara Sutton, Audra I. Mockaitis and Lena Zander10 Leadership for tomorrow: Taiwanese youth, ethnic identity and social networking 164Fiona MooreFIRMS AND INTER-FIRM PARTNERSHIPS: MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH GLOBAL LEADERSHIP11 Responsible global leadership: a multi-level framework 178Günter K. Stahl, Christof Miska, Laura J. Noval and Verena J. Patock12 Exploring responsible global leadership in corporate-community transactions 202Kate Daellenbach, Richard G. Seymour and Cynthia M. Webster13 Beyond corporate social responsibility: global leadership virtues that make a difference 221Daina Mazutis and Christopher Zintel14 Inclusive leadership for the ethical management of cultural diversity 235Laurence Romani and Charlotte Holgersson15 Developing global leaders who make a difference 251Thomas Maak, Markéta Borecká and Nicola M. Pless16 Middle managers in mergers and acquisitions: agents and recipients of change 266Satu Teerikangas17 Buffering and bridging: how leaders can make a difference during the post-merger integration process 288Güldem Karamustafa and Susan C. Schneider18 The Nigerian leadership crisis: is shared leadership the answer? 307Christina L. Wassenaar and Craig L. PearceUNIVERSITIES AND BUSINESS SCHOOLS: EDUCATING GLOBAL LEADERS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE19 Taking the lead in making a difference: the role of business schools 320Stefan Gröschl, Patricia Gabaldón and Laurent Bibard20 Making a difference in the classroom: developing global leadership competencies in business school students 330Mark E. Mendenhall, Lisa A. Burke-Smalley, Audur Arna Arnardottir, Gary R. Oddou and Joyce S. Osland21 Developing socially responsible global leaders and making a difference: Global Leadership Lab social innovation projects 350Joyce S. Osland and Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester22 Intersectional interventions in leadership education 364Åsa-Karin Engstrand23 In search of responsible global leadership that makes a difference 383Allan Bird24 A world of learning: the future of management education based on academia and practitioner universitas 393Peter Zettinig, Udo Zander, Lena Zander and Audra I. Mockaitis25 Epilogue: developing holistic leaders - beyond the obvious 408Karsten JonsenIndex 419
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