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Viser: Intersectional Automations - Robotics, AI, Algorithms, and Equity

Intersectional Automations - Robotics, AI, Algorithms, and Equity

Intersectional Automations

Robotics, AI, Algorithms, and Equity
Nathan Rambukkana, Chloé L. Nurik, Maude Gauthier, Kim Sawchuk, Scott DeJong, Sebastián Gómez, Jordan Canzonetta, Nikila Lakshmanan, Julia A. Empey, Madelaine Ley, Jamie Foster Campbell, Kristina M. Green, Joep Bouma, Christopher M. Cox, tobias C. van Veen, tobias c. van Veen og Nathan Rambukkana
Sprog: Engelsk
Lexington Books/Fortress Academic
490,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 292 sider
  • Udgiver: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Nathan Rambukkana, Chloé L. Nurik, Maude Gauthier, Kim Sawchuk, Scott DeJong, Sebastián Gómez, Jordan Canzonetta, Nikila Lakshmanan, Julia A. Empey, Madelaine Ley, Jamie Foster Campbell, Kristina M. Green, Joep Bouma, Christopher M. Cox, tobias C. van Veen, tobias c. van Veen og Nathan Rambukkana
  • ISBN: 9781793620538
Intersectional Automations explores a range of situations where robotics, biotechnological enhancement, artificial intelligence (AI), and algorithmic culture collide with intersectional social justice issues such as race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and citizenship. As robots, machine learning applications, and human augmentics are artifacts of human culture, they sometimes carry stereotypes, biases, exclusions, and other forms of privilege into their computational logics, platforms, and/or embodiments. The essays in this multidisciplinary collection consider how questions of equity and social justice impact our understanding of these developments, analyzing not only the artifacts themselves, but also the discourses and practices surrounding them, including societal understandings, design choices, law and policy approaches, and their uses and abuses.
Acknowledgments Introduction
Part 1: Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Inequity
Chapter 1 Blind Trust, Algorithmic Discrimination, and Self-Regulation in Facebook Advertisements by Chloé L. Nurik
Chapter 2 Faking Age? Ageing and the Algorithmic Assemblage by Kim Sawchuk, Scott DeJong, and Maude Gauthier
Chapter 3 It Was All Fun and Games: Gamewashing Automated Control by Sebastián Gómez
Chapter 4 From Automating to Informating: Toward a Productive Model of Human/Machine Collaboration in Higher Education by Jordan Canzonetta
Part 2: Robots and Social Justice
Chapter 5 The Misogyny of Transhumanism by Nikila Lakshmanan
Chapter 6 Are We All Too Human? Toward an Understanding of Posthumanism and Rights by Julia A. Empey
Chapter 7 Being Sophia: What Makes the World's First Robot Citizen? by Madelaine Ley
Chapter 8 Robosexuality and Its Discontents by Nathan Rambukkana
Chapter 9 Robots as Caretakers: Understanding Long-Term Relationships Between Humans and Carebots by Jamie Foster Campbell and Kristina M. Green
Part 3: Posthuman Fictions, Futures, and Bodies
Chapter 10 Im/Material Bodies: Queering Embodiment Through Performance Art and Technology" by Joep Bouma
Chapter 11 Estranged World: Tenets of Xenofeminism and Tropes of Automated Alienation in Contemporary Alien Films by Christopher M. Cox
Chapter 12 Simulation and Synesthesia in Rez: Virtual Reality and the Queer Erotechnics of Becoming-Machinic by tobias c. van Veen About the Contributors
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