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Rethinking Public Governance, 1. udgave
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Rethinking Public Governance Vital Source e-bog

Jacob Torfing
Edward Elgar Publishing
367,00 kr.
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Rethinking Public Governance

Rethinking Public Governance

Jacob Torfing
Sprog: Engelsk
Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated
1.748,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Edward Elgar Publishing (Juni 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781789909777
In this innovative book, Jacob Torfing, a leading scholar of the field, critically evaluates emerging ideas, practices and institutions that are transforming how public governance is perceived, theorised and conducted in practice.
Identifying cutting-edge developments in public governance, this incisive book analyses new forms of political leadership, public management, public organisation, administrative steering, cross-boundary collaboration, public regulation and societal problem-solving. Examining some of the most significant instances of public governance transformation, chapters explore the effects of transformations from sovereign to interactive political leadership, from national to multi-level governance, and from hard to soft power. With a novel focus on the production of innovative public value outcomes, the book considers how these developments interact with and are influenced by new digital technologies and increasing globalisation. Torfing concludes with a reflection on how best to comprehend, study and take advantage of current and future transformations in public governance.
A novel rethinking of how current societies are governed, this book will inspire students, scholars and practitioners of political science, public policy, regulation and governance, and public administration management to reconsider how public governance and administration may be organised in the future to present innovative solutions to societal problems.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 252 sider
  • Udgiver: Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated (Juni 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781789909760
In this innovative book, Jacob Torfing, a leading scholar of the field, critically evaluates emerging ideas, practices and institutions that are transforming how public governance is perceived, theorised and conducted in practice.

Identifying cutting-edge developments in public governance, this incisive book analyses new forms of political leadership, public management, public organisation, administrative steering, cross-boundary collaboration, public regulation and societal problem-solving. Examining some of the most significant instances of public governance transformation, chapters explore the effects of transformations from sovereign to interactive political leadership, from national to multi-level governance, and from hard to soft power. With a novel focus on the production of innovative public value outcomes, the book considers how these developments interact with and are influenced by new digital technologies and increasing globalisation. Torfing concludes with a reflection on how best to comprehend, study and take advantage of current and future transformations in public governance.

A novel rethinking of how current societies are governed, this book will inspire students, scholars and practitioners of political science, public policy, regulation and governance, and public administration management to reconsider how public governance and administration may be organised in the future to present innovative solutions to societal problems.

1. Introduction
2. The public governance orthodoxy
3. From sovereign to interactive political leadership
4. From policy program implementation to public value creation
5. From control- to trust-based governance and management
6. From the efficient use of existing resources to the mobilization of new ones
7. From unicentric to pluricentric coordination
8. From national- to multi-level governance
9. From hard to soft power
10. From intra-organizational to inter-organizational leadership
11. From stability and continuous improvement to innovation
12. From spectator and counter-democracy to interactive democracy
13. Reinvigorating public governance studies Index
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